November 5th, 2024
Meeting called to order: 6:29PM by Fran
Attending; Lu, Maria, Ed, Steve, Fran, Phoebe,  Bridgette, Dena (Zoon), Pam (Zoom)  and  Jessica  (via Zoom),
Royalton Memorial Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday, January 7, 2025  6:30 PM
At Royalton Memorial Library or via Zoom
Meeting ID: 959 5116 5461 Passcode: 076448

Consent Agenda - Motioned by Fran, all in consent
a) December minutes
b) December financial report
c) December Director’s report

Policies, staffing and procedures
  1. Director’s position - minor edits to be made.  
    1. Update qualifications to lead with: Willingness to work toward Vermont Department of Libraries certification.  Also amend the language around schedule expectations and flexibility.
    2. Hiring committee: Steve, Fran, Ed - Phoebe, Bridgette, and Dena to attend interviews as they can.  
  2. Upcoming election (March) - Steve and Fran to run.
  3. Strategic Plan - table for now, review as appropriate. 

Fundraising and community relations
  1. Bingo at Babes Fundraiser Evaluation - Babes is closed January 9th. 
  2. Tea with Trustees - reading time.  January 25th 11am to 1PM - Fran, Bridgette, Phoebe, Ed, Steve
  3. Aubuchon Hardware - round up: Pam and Fran will write to apply.

Other business
a) High Yield Savings update - Dena to sign the application at the bank.
b) South Royalton House Update
c) Appeal letter- waiting for an updated quote from Spaulding.

Policy review schedule: (Feb: Collection Development; April: Service Policy; June:
General Operations; November: Internet Access, Art & Craft Exhibits; Revision of Policies)
Motion to adjourn - Ed, all in agreement - meeting called to an end at 7:05PM