Royalton Memorial Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 6:30 PM
At Royalton Memorial Library or via Zoom
Meeting ID: 959 5116 5461 Passcode: 076448
In attendance: Lu, Fran, Steve, Maria, Bridgett, Phoebe, Dena, Ed- via Zoom: Jessica
Meeting called to order: 6:37 PM
Consent Agenda - motion to accept: Dena, second by Bridgett - all in favor
a) January minutes
b) January financial report
c) January Director’s report
Policies, staffing and procedures
- Director’s position- interviews to begin within the next week
- Upcoming election (March) - Fran for write in
- Strategic Plan: Communication:
- Webpage, mailings, emails, posters - target; Local Senior Organizations, Schools - HS/Middle/Elementary, Churches, Local Radio, Local Business, Local Daycare, Food Pantry, bulletin board at RML, and VLS
(ACTION ITEM: Send thank you note to Sue Trottier for delivering books from Blue Wagon to Food Pantry)
b. Postcards for thank yous- some kind of template that can easily be used by director and/or staff.
d) Cleaner - Lu to reach out to a couple of companies and post an if necessary.
Fundraising and community relations
- Bingo at Babes Fundraiser Evaluation - no February Bingo
- Tea with Trustees update - Update - two visitors. Comments on volunteering and communications
- Bar Harbor Bank donation - Trustees photo at Bar Harbor on Monday, February 10th at 2:30PM
Other business
a) High Yield Savings update - Fran and ML to sign remaining paperwork and officially move the $40,000 into High Yield Savings
b) Information coordinator at the White River Valley School - Fran has email address- Mary Shell.
c) Sidewalks - new internal expectation- immediately call the town clerk’s office when maintenance needs to be done- snow / ice removal. Liability issue.
Policy review schedule: (Feb: Collection Development; April: Service Policy; June:
General Operations; November: Internet Access, Art & Craft Exhibits; Revision of Policies)
Motion to adjourn - Fran, Seconded by Steve, all in favor: 7:25PM