RML Board Meeting January 9, 2024

Attending: Bridget Taylor, Lu Aubin, Maria Loftus, Steven Hall, Phoebe Roda, Fran Flannery, Ed Castner, Dena Wilkie, Alex Hanson 

Called to order: 6:32 pm 

1) Consent Agenda - motion to accept; Fran, second Ed, all in favor 

    a) December minutes 

    b) November financial reports 

    c) December Director’s report 

2) Alex Hanson - local journalism project proposal 

    a) Newsletter - government driven, ‘explain workings of the town’, experimental, may come out irregularly when there is news. 

    b) Printed and distributed locally 

    c) He would apply for grants but needs us to act as his fiscal sponsor 

    d) Written proposal presented at this meeting 

    e) Discussed: 

        i) Alex obtaining small journalism insurance; we have directors and officer’s insurance… 

        ii) Need clarity on clear fiscal roles and liability/insurance issues before we can move ahead. 

3) Fundraising and community outreach 

    a) Winter/holiday mailing 

        i) Hasn’t been sent to printer yet; discussion around getting it out asap 
        ii) Need to get firm/consistent months we plan to send annual appeal 

        iii) Send it! 

    b) January event (Endpapers) 

        i) Lu to get event in 

(1) Vermont Standard (Woodstock) 

(2) Valley News 

(3) Herald 

(4) FPF, UV list serve, Royalton List serve 

(5) Invite Tim Calabro 

        ii) Fran, Maria, Phoebe and Dena to meet week of to finalize 

          iii) 60 chairs ready, need tablecloths, microphones, 

    c) Rest area 2/17 

        i) Fran can not do - 

        ii) Will finalize in Feb meeting - see if people can do shifts. 

    d) Library trustee election 

    e) Fran to call town clerk and confirm we need to elect someone

    i) Fran will be put forward if so… 

4) Policies, staffing and procedures 

    a) Website - Lu sent out new website design 

        i) Some feedback given, Lu will revise 

5) Other business 

    a) Toy time for kids to start in a few weeks, 1/24 AM 11-12 

    b) Stuart Levasseur -Intro to powertools 1/20/24 

    c) Lu getting quotes for wifi hotspots for non-profits for people to borrow d) Royalton Radio station is going to have film screening at our library 

    e) Dena thanked Lu for allowing a 3 year old birthday party 

        i) All in agreement for Lu and Pam to trial hosting parties at their discretion. 
   f) Steve 

        i) Bookshelves in 

    g) Fran helping with collaborating with high school/elementary school for Dr. Seuss Day March 1. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:45