February 6, 2024 

Attending: Dena Wilkie, Fran Flannery, Bridget Taylor, Ed Castner, Lu Aubin, Steven Hall, Phoebe Roda, Jessica Pater, Pam Levasseur

Called to order 6:31 p.m. 

1) Consent Agenda - motion made by Steven, all in favor to accept consent agenda a) January minutes 

        a) December financial reports 

        b) January Director’s report 

2) Introducing Jessica Herrera Pater (CPA)- bookkeeper 

        a) What do we want from financial reports? 

        b) She will complete her first financial report for next meeting and attend our next meeting in person 

3) Fundraising and community relations 

        a) Winter/holiday mailing - people have received their mailing 

        b) January event (Endpapers) reflections 

            i) well received! 30 people 

        c) Rest area 2/17 

            i) Fran able to do, looking for volunteers 

        d) Fiscal relationship discussion 

            i) motion to not act as fiscal agent by Ed, seconded by Steve, all in favor. ii) Motion made for letter of support by Steve, Ed and all in favor 

4) Policies, staffing and procedures 

        a) Collection development policy 

            i) to be deferred until next week 

        b) Presidency and other executive roles 

            i) president’s responsibility: 

(1) make the agenda 

(2) make sure the board meets with the librarian 

(3) Run the meeting 

(4) put your name on the bank account/named on financial accounts 

(5) back up for the treasurer and sign checks 

            ii) Elections will be in April 

            iii) Fran to consider, Phoebe and Dena declining 

(6) Other business 

        a) Next book club: Firekeeper’s Daughter for March

        b) printer - board chose to not let people print from their personal devices, discussion around options to allow for people to do this while still maintaining safety, integrity, privacy, etc. 

        c) Website… 

            i) Feedback given about some additional edits 

            ii) Ed and Steve to get together with Lu and give feedback 

        d) Tentative date scheduled for Yardsale for Saturday May 11th - 

            i) Dena to book 5/11 with Victoria 

            ii) Pricing/details at March meeting 

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.