Royalton Memorial Library
March 5, 2019, Minutes
4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Members present: Louise Clark, John Dumville, Cynthia Dalrymple, Theresa
Manning, Marianne Pysarchyk, Pam Levasseur, Phoebe Roda, Dena Wilkie, and
Bridgett Taylor
Absent: Yuliya Ballou
Meeting called to order at 4:04 p.m.
Election of Officers: Motion by John Dumville to appoint Phoebe Rhoda as
President, seconded by Louise Clark, all voted in favor. Motion by John Dumville
to appoint Bridgett Taylor as secretary, seconded by Louise Clark, all voted in
favor. Motion by Louise Clark to appoint John Dumville as Treasurer, seconded
Cynthia Dalrymple all voted in favor. Motion by Louise Clark to invite Dena
Wilkie to the library board, seconded Phoebe & all voted in favor. Bridget Taylor
is on the ballot to be voted to the library board. Cynthia, Theresa & John will
continue to represent the trustee board in the building construction and grant
Motion was made to approve the minutes by John Dumville and seconded by
Louise Clark. All were in favor.
Librarians Report:
 Stats were presented to the board members.
 Youth Art Month is here. Gaylynn and Phoebe hung student artwork on
 The second annual Cabin Fever Reading Challenge is coming to a close
March 15th. For each book read or listened to, the reader fills out a ticket.
The following certificates have been obtained from Village Pizza and the
Yankee Book shop, Sheri's Headquarters and Chelsea Station to be
raffled off.
 Cult Classic film series; “Amelie” is next showing on Sunday, February
10th. It is free and open to the public, Tyler continues to cross promote at
the Chelsea Station.
 D&D game night - much interest with high school students and adults.
 Oscar Best Picture list has been announced. Screening starts in March
every Thursday at 7:00 the kickoff is “Black Panther”.
 Special storytime with Chief Loretta on Saturday, March 23, at 11:00.
 Confirmed “Meet the Author” Rick Winston: “Red Scare in the Green
Mountains” on Saturday March 23rd at 2:00 p.m. He will have books for
 Fundraiser for the library at Babe’s Bar in Bethel on Saturday March 23, at
8:00 p.m. Dena is the founder of “Women of Action” and has organized a
dance party fundraiser for the library. Pass the bucket for donations,
baked goods, and raffle can be done by the library members.
 Ukrainian Egg Dying Workshop with Jessica Kowal Keene (Ukrainian Egg
Dyeing, Pysanky) for the first Sunday, April 6th.
Marianne stated she is reluctantly rendering her notice of termination as she
plans to move to NYC. Her departure will occur in early June and she will submit a
written notice soon.
The summer reading program will be organized and ready for the next
Librarian. “Universe of Stories” is the theme of the upcoming summer program.
Cynthia recommends that the lower level be cleaned out soon and that no more
book donations can be accepted until further notice. Bonnie and Theresa will
continue looking up the price of old books and adding the titles to a spreadsheet.
Report on the building construction. Waiting to hear from the select board
when the contract signing will occur. AIA form had to be updated and was
completed quickly. Rose is working on hiring a clerk of the works. Rose &
Cynthia discussed by phone the process of regular meetings that will occur during
the construction process.
John and Cynthia will work on a policy for the endowment fund & will
bring before the board when completed.
Financial Report:
Pam passed out the financials for the month and explained how to
review the financial sheets to new board members. She reports that the
copier appears to be working fine after fixing the fuse and rollers. The
printer is misfeeding but it may be due to the paper that is currently being
used. She will monitor.
It was voted to change the meeting time for the library board to 6:00 - 8:00 PM but
will continue to be held on the first Tuesday of each month.
Meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Respectively submitted,
Theresa Manning
