
Present: Louise Clark, John Dumville, Theresa Manning, Phoebe Roda, Dena Wilkie, and Bridgett Taylor
Absent: Cynthia D

Meeting called to order at 6:02 pm.
March minutes approved by consensus without changes.

Librarian’s report: Submitted by Marianne. Chris is finishing the newsletter with updates on construction. Financial report submitted by Pam. Louise suggests having financial reports submitted before we meet to save time.

Dena’s fundraising report: We made ~$1,000 at the Babe’s Bar fundraiser. Babe’s donated $150 DJ cost; $679 at the door, $168.38 on baked goods. Multiple factors: hip-hop DJ, Women of Action, library supporters, Babe’s regulars. Dena thanks everyone who baked and those who attended. We were at capacity and some people waited outside for more than an hour. (Gave away pastries to those waiting.) Checks and receipts submitted to John for deposit; will go into Capital fund for furnishings. We will do a letter thanking Women of Action and Babe’s (Theresa).

Board matters: Yulia has submitted resignation from the Board. Board members will consider candidates/recruits.

Phoebe nominated Louise Clark as VP, Dena seconded.

Calendar/schedule: Marianne is sharing online with employees. John has requested that the calendar be opened to the Board so we could see who is on when.

Funds/construction: We are moving funds from Morgan Stanley to Vermont Community Foundation. VCF will pay 5% of earned interest. Remainder of what we are moving will go savings for contingency and will be returned to the endowment when construction is over; capital campaign funds will go into a checking account at Mascoma Bank. One form is waiting on Cynthia to return from Hawaii for transfer to be completed.

Librarian search and transition: MLS or working toward MLS is the ideal. It might be time to revisit/define library roles.

Currently on staff: Library Director (32 hrs/wk), Financial Specialist and Library Assistant (20 hrs/wk), 2 Assistant Librarians.

Louise shared a draft job description; Phoebe will type up and incorporate Board edits. We will ask all staff their goals, things they think are going well/have room for improvement (Dena will draft and Bridgett will put in MailChimp). 2019-20 budget is set and we will be working on 20-21 budget in May.

Staff/board should build a running list of procedures (sanding, phone numbers) so no one has to start from scratch, everyone is ready for contingencies.

Construction: MOU, contract and lease all signed on Tuesday. Town is responsible for building maintenance and keeping sidewalks clean. Town is paying for Clerk of the Works from Community Betterment Fund. Thank you to Rose and to Selectboard (Theresa).

Rose has suggested the town meeting room for summer use; VLS also a possibility.

Groundbreaking in late April, work done by November. (Christmas party for public to celebrate?) John will ask Cynthia to find out when a date would be good for groundbreaking and let the board know.

We will pull the sign off John’s lawn once the ground is thawed enough.

Next month’s agenda: Safety, security, etc. Consider inviting Loretta. Meeting dismissed at 7:35 pm
