Board Meeting Minutes for April 2023

Royalton Memorial Library Board Meeting April 5, 2022
Attending: Fran Flannery, Bridget Taylor, Phoebe Roda, Dena Wilkie, Steve Hall, John Dumville,
Lydia Samson. Absent: Pam Levasseur
Called to order : 6:07 pm
  1. Strategic Plan discussion/planning:

 Goal for simple, clear strategic plan
 Have board and staff write goals/dream wish list and possibly their value
or mission statement
 Subcommittee to establish outline
o Subcommitte: Phoebe, Steve, Tyler
o Then board ‘retreat’ to get strategic plan written
o Then subcommittee meet again to create living document
  1. Future board vision/recruitment:
     Board members who know of a possible new board member will continue to
    reach out and Tyler will put a PAID AD in the Herald, FPF, social media, etc.
  2. Other business/public comment:
     Mask Mandate:
    o Has been lifted by town, masks now optional
    o Last vote was to put the decision in Tyler’s hands
    o Board in general agreement to change to Masks Encouraged
    o Recs made to increase cleaning high touch areas
     Friend’s Update:
    o 2 dates booked at rest stop; may need bakers
    o Next meeting 4/20 @ 6pm
    o $100 made at First Branch
     Community Yardsale Fundraiser
    o May 14 th
     Fran has 5 tables – but will need truck transport
     Tyler to check bfranch to see how many we have
    o Fran, Phoebe, Dena and Friends group to organize

Meeting adjourned 7pm