Present: Cynthia Dalrymple, Louise Clark, John Dumville, Theresa Manning, Phoebe Roda, Dena Wilkie, and Bridgett Taylor, Chris Demers, Allison Gravel

Meeting called to order at 6:12 pm. Minutes approved as written.

Emergency Training Day: We considered postponing until construction was complete, but decided for safety issues it would be better to plan sooner. At beginning or end of board meeting or at a staff meeting? Louise will reach out to Loretta and coordinate with Chris.

250th: We will have a kids float in the Old Home Days parade as we normally do. They want organizations involved; would be a good time to raise money. Ideas need to be run by the John has applied for a grant for Jeannie Brink to talk about Indian culture and history, Bethel historian Janet Burnham will come and talk about George Guernsey. John would like to do a cemetery Mystery Tour at dusk in the North Royalton cemetery. Old Home Days are Aug 15-17.

We will look for gaps, etc, where we might help.

Chris Demers presentation on marketing/branding
● All activities and planning center around who you know you are
● Know what you’re known for and what that essence is
The library has an opportunity right now to revisit brand and re-invent/decide what the library really is - what we are known for - reducing things to one quality is very strong (but you might end up with 2-3)
Discovery, design, implementation and maintenance are the steps in the process (who are you, how you’re going to share that message, do it, keep it going); create something that can be loved
Identity is connected to both marketing and fundraising, especially in a small organization. She recommends we spend time on what we want for a brand and what the library will be.
Her recommendation: do an analysis and find the first steps of a brand
Restore partnership between Chelsea - Tunbridge - Sharon - SoRo
Strategic planning? Laura Keenan has programs for board members, etc.
Library consortium and state library

Bridgett shared summary of staff survey results. She will send full results to the Board and Chris.
Chris recommends developing ‘mini brand’ and crafting some marketing/fundraising strategy and goals. She asked all trustees to come up with one word (or three) to describe the essence of who they were as a first step.

Construction update
Bricks: We have already had people want to have bricks. If we put on a display inside we can continue adding; outdoor ones will get salt/sand/ice. The two big brass plaques we used to have (which still have room) are at the Branch Library for storage and are difficult and heavy to move. Jay’s suggestion was putting brass plaques in the historical room. We could add new bricks to
the wall in the landing at the top of the stairs. The conference room wall has to be repaired and possibly sheetrocked.
Jay is going to send examples so we can see what the wall might look like. We will review and then can start getting forms ready for donors.
Construction in general is moving along well. Unexpected plumbing challenges resulted in the need for water the and sewer to be shut off to the library building. As is the case with many
older buildings the lines for both are were not clearly marked and traveled in unexpected directions. Older galvanized water pipes are being replaced and redirected to be more efficient. Unfortunately they will need to be discontinued for approximately a month while the changes are being made. Upland has placed an port-a-potty for library staff & patron use near the front entrance. Water for drinking will be made available inside the building.
Theresa and Cynthia are looking at lighting options and have confirmed with Jay that there are electrical outlets planned at every window seat. Smoke alarms will be replaced and light
switches moved to more convenient locations in the current building. There will be a security camera at the front entrance. The new ground level entry will have an automatic door opener for handicap accessibility. On the second floor in the main reading room there will be a new hardwood floor put down. Over the years there were many vent holes made for heating and air flow and the floor was removed over the old vault which makes it too difficult to maintain what is there.
Patrick is working on a sign board to thank donors. We will be using the old town sign board as well.

Financial Report was shared by Pam.

Director Position report: We have advertised in Herald, Valley News and the VT Library Association’s job postings (the last for nearly a month). Herald ad is running for 2 weeks. We have interviewed one candidate and will arrange a second interview with the full board.

Meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm.
