Board Meeting Minutes for May 2023

RML Board Meeting 5/2/23
Attending: Maria Loftus, Ed Castner, Phoebe Roda, Fran, Steven Hall, Dena Wilkie, Bridget
Taylor, Tyler
Called to order: 6:03pm

1) Consent Agenda – approved
a) April minutes
b) March-April financial reports
c) Director’s Report

2) Policies and planning
a) Service policy review – motion by Fran, all in favor
i) Phoebe to reformat
b) Staff planning –
i) Need to start advertising for director’s position
ii) Agreed to emphasize it is a hands on position, be transparent with salary,
input from Pam (20 hrs weekly) as well as firm up her role, potential for
iii) Ed, Steve and Phoebe to meet
(1) Tyler to get job descriptions and if possible previous job posting
(2) Maria, Fran and Dena will be on standby to help with interview
process etc.
(3) Tyler wants last day to be June 1

3) Fundraising and community outreach
a) Spring mailing
i) Goal to mail by Memorial Day
ii) ‘Who to mail to’ discussion:
(1) Mail to everyone? NO
(2) Mail to previous donors – Tyler will provide list
(3) Print and give out at Yard Sale, have at front desk and give to
board members/volunteers to hand out to friends/family.
(4) Email to Mailchimp list
(5) Post to social media
iii) Envelopes – talk to Pam about the labels/postage

b) Yard sale
i) Coordinated planning for yard sale
(1) EZ up to yard sale
(2) Payment due upon registration for people getting a table from us
(3) Fran – will email FRIENDS (check that she sent it) for bake sale
(4) Sign up shifts – Dena will send around
(5) Dena to email last year’s participants.

c) Other fundraising and planning
i) Bookclub:
(1) Maria wants RML to consider looking at other vendors (instead of
Brodart) due to their expense and turn around.
(2) Bookclub deferred to the fall
(3) Ingram?
4) Other business
a) Steve has mulched the flower beds
b) Dena can donate echinacea
c) Steve may go get flowers

Meeting adjourned 7:14pm