May 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

May 7, 2024
Meeting called to order: 6:32PM

Attending; Dena (Zoom), Lu, Maria, Bridgett, Pam, Ed, Fran, Steve, Phoebe, and Pam
1. Consent Agenda - motion by Bridget; all in agreement
    1. April minutes
    2. March financial reports
    3. April Director’s report

2. Policies, staffing and procedures
    1. Service Policy - passed
    2. Strategic Plan revisit (#2 Creativity) - passed

3. Fundraising and community relations
    1. Annual appeal 
      1. Lu to make some fine tuning edits to the postcard - Ed to look final draft
      2. Add a small QR code to the postcard if possible
      3. To mail before May 31, 2024
    2. May yard sale final details - all set.
    3. Sharon Rest Stop fundraiser - all set.
      1. Drop off baked good by 8am on May 18th, 2024
    4. Film screening and book club updates 
      1. Lu to investigate possible documentaries - Bridgette to investigate and make suggestions. 
      2. Possible monthly movie throughout the summer.
      3. Phoebe and Fran to meet and brainstorm on a segmented bookclub ideas.
    5. Coin Drop
      1. Fran to email John Dumville to inquire about permissions, regulations, etc.

4. Other business
    1. Death and Dying Program - scheduled event with Heather Leavitt.
    2. Life, Death and Cake event - Ed to investigate further.

5. Grants
    1. Lu and Pam to budget time to investigate grants - networking, etc.

Policy review schedule: (Feb: Collection Development; April: Service Policy; June: General Operations; October: Internet Access, Art & Craft Exhibits; Revision of Policies)

Strategic plan reviewed in March
