RML Board Meeting June 7, 2022

Attending: Bridgett Taylor, John Dumville, Phoebe Roda, Fran Flannery, Tyler Strong, Pam
Called to order: 6:02 pm.
Consent Agenda:
  • Remove minutes – need to get from Steve
  • Motion/seconded/ all in favor to approve the Financial documents
    Elect Officers – nomination by Fran to keep positions the same
    Board President – Bridgett Taylor
    Secretary – Dena Wilkie
    Treasurer – Phoebe Roda
    Board Procedure and Policy
  • Limit to years served – have in our policy as 8 terms (term = 2 years)
  • Onboard program for new board members
  • Board member recruitment
    Policy and Planning –
    Strategic planning –

Strategic Planning –
Phoebe, Steve and Tyler will get together for systems review
Budget Planning –
  • Need completed by November (voted on in December)
    -Vermont Community Foundation – presentation on our current endowment done at last
  • What do we want to do with the endowment?
  • Capital investment?
  • All in agreement to put out another doodle to determine date in mid to late August (3-4
    hours) to discuss Strategic Planning and Endowment.
    Selectboard Meeting-
    We’d previously discussed sending a board member to the Selectboard meetings to bring up
    need for improved sidewalk with project.
  • Tyler will try to attend
  • Per John – no discussion of other sidewalks in town besides Chelsea street, “sidewalk from
    the library would be a very low priority.”
  • Tyler (and board agrees) it would be beneficial to be proactive in initiating discussion about
    importance of improving our sidewalks –
  • June 21 st Academy Building – 6pm – presentation on sidewalks
    RML Community Yardsale-
  • Next year increase $$ for tables and do not provide tables
  • Consider doing weekend before VLS graduates
  • Revisit shutting down side street and adding music
  • Discussion around communication and role of Director in fundraisers

Tyler wants to Invest in BeanStack program
-used to log minutes for summer reading and other programs etc.
  • has budget for it and will plan to purchase
    Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm
