June 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2024

Meeting called to order: 6:31PM

Attending; Lu, Maria, Bridgett, Ed, Fran, Steve, Phoebe, Pam, and Jessica

Consent Agenda- motion by Bridget; all in agreement
  1. Next monthly board meeting will be August 6, 2024
  2. April and May minutes
  3. May financial reports
  4. May Director’s report

Policies, staffing and procedures

a)  Strategic Plan revisit (Diversity) - to postpone until state guidelines are released.

b)  Cleaning Service- Lu has leads and will present contracts to the board.  If contracts are available before August 6, 2024 an emergency virtual meeting will be called to vote.

Fundraising and community relations
    1. Annual appeal update
    2. May yard sale update - Lu has survey results
    3. Sharon Rest Stop fundraiser update - Fran to try to secure same weekend in May 2025
    4. Coin Drop fundraiser - Pam and Fran investigated.  Requires VTrans permission.  Fran to obtain an application from Victoria at the town office.  Board to brainstorm possible dates.
    5. Film screening and book club updates 
    6. Death and Dying Program update - possible second event “Life, Death, and Cake”

           Other business 
  1. Adopt an Author Program - Lu has drafted an email notification for patrons that have chosen to participate in the “Adopt an Author Program” and will notify patrons when new books come in and give them the opportunity to check out first.
  2. The Vermont Childcare Contribution - $400.00 for the first year.  

Ed motioned to cover for the first year and as long as budget supports and seconded by Bridgette, all in favor.

c) 990 Tax Form-
Steve motioned to hire Kerry Claffey (Copper Hill Tax Services) to file the 990 Tax Form, Fran seconded.

Meeting concluded: 7:25
Bridgette moved to end meeting, Steve seconded. 

Policy review schedule: (Feb: Collection Development; April: Service Policy; June: General Operations; October: Internet Access, Art & Craft Exhibits; Revision of Policies)
