Present: Cynthia Dalrymple, John Dumville, Phoebe Roda, Dena Wilkie, Theresa Manning, and Tyer Strong, Pam Levasseur

Regrets: Louise Clark

Meeting called to order at 6:04 pm.

June minutes approved as written.

Director’s report submitted in written form. Additional notes:

Dewey Decimal vs. ‘category’ shelving - some libraries that stopped using Dewey Decimal have reverted back to DD. Tyler likes the aspect of discovery in the traditional DD system.

He has been consolidating materials from the file cabinet and is trying to compile consistent lists of grants and other historical documents.

Tyler will be sharing the staffing calendar with the Board as a view-only

Meeting space policy subcommittee needs to be developed to discuss this issue. Cynthia shared Librarian Bill of Rights policy. We want to keep the space available for library programming but need to establish other clear, consistent guidelines. Phoebe and John are going to serve on the subcommittee. Bridgett has model policies she will share.

Tyler has a few prospective volunteers; what are policies?
We discussed the need for clear descriptions for volunteer work so volunteers feel they know what they’re doing and are making an impact.

Furniture needs to be considered for the new space. We need to identify who will refinish existing pieces that need refinishing.

First step: Staff will create a list of needed adds/replacements/refinishing

Report on financials - presented by Pam
Pam will get audit report from Mandy and arrange to have a complete 990 for 18/19
We will continue to have an outside review during construction (grant reports, etc)
Pam requested electronic view-only access to Mascoma account. John will work with the bank to get this for Pam.
Next month we will need to begin work on the budget

Banner for events

Pam contacted Janet Zug and she had some suggestions: tablecloth or EZ-up style banner we could use at events outside the library building

She will find out Janet’s turnaround time and we will go forward to have something for Old Home Days

Old Home Days – create a book bag?

Construction update: one large central fan to replace existing fans and new smoke/CO2 detectors
Shelves will be painted in back room and we will not have to move the filing cabinet
We are still on budget. Jay and construction crew is helping to keep down costs

Cynthia shared ideas for a garbage/recycling shed. Placement is an issue; we don’t want it to get buried.

Discuss plans for renovation “Opening”

● Subcomittee: Theresa, invite Chris D, consider others


Committee discussion to narrow down options and discuss direction before sharing with the full board. Dena and Bridgett with Chris (Phoebe will attend as her schedule permits)

Meeting dismissed at 9:02 pm.
