RML Board Meeting July  6, 2021


Bridgett Taylor, Steve Hall, Fran Flannery (via Zoom), Phoebe Roda, Dena Wilkie

Ian Devine absent due to technical difficulties

Consent Agenda:
  • Steven moved to accept 
  • Phoebe seconded

Policy Review:
  • Motion to accept section III & IV by Steve
  • Second by Bridgett 
  • Need to print initial sheet for review of policy 

Performance Review Update
  • Suggestion for SMART goals under objectives
  • Steve and Tyler recommending the following; always Board president & Library director + 2 rotating board members.
  • Every 4 months (3 times a year) 
  • Focus on overall library goal’s rather than focus on director
  • This RML System Review is meant to complement/be in conjunction with the staff’s 3 x yearly self-review 
  • Goal for first review completed by September 1, 2021

Re-opening Update
  • Tyler has been asking individuals to mask by preference
    • Approx. more than half of people are masking
  • Post sign with request to wear mask if not vaccinated by board of trustees

Fundraising & Community Outreach
  • Little Blue
    • Good outreach but not money maker
    • Consider senior center outreach
    • Bring dragon for naming 
  • Merchandise
    • Social media post
    • Tyler has created a corner ‘gift shop.’
    • Discussed closure of thrift store
  • Dena explained the goal for four fundraisers annually, begin to build consistent fundraisers we can be known for:
    • October: Soup and Bread
    • December: Open House and Annual Appeal
    • February:  Concert
    • March/April: Auction
  • Friend’s of the library
    • NEED to organize the Friends – this is a priority to help with fundraising
    • Tyler requesting board member to meet with him & help to organize the Friend’s
    • Steve has volunteered to help organize
      • ANYONE ELSE? 

Other business:

  • Flag is in now… 
    • Can anyone help with garden? 
    • Dandelion Acres for donation? – update; Dena has secured donation from Dandelion acres for perennial bushes…     
  • Formal thank you for Lion’s club for “super cool” bench
    • Letter will be sent this week 
  • Grant from State, opens july8, due within 30 days.
  • Organization
    • Consider repurposing the office space as more of a work space
    • Storage