Royalton Memorial Board of Trustees Meeting minutes 7/5/22

In attendance: Bridgett, Steve, Fran, Phoebe, Pam, Tyler
6:00 PM meeting called to order
Steve made a motion to accept the minutes and reports from June. Motion seconded by
Phoebe. Motion passed with all board members in favor.
A System Review was conducted by Fran, Phoebe and Tyler in June. The review identified
three areas we want to focus on in the next 6 months; strategic planning, board
training/recruiting, and better dissemination of information.
Strategic planning homework for trustees and staff: identify 10 values that you feel best
represent the library.
Tyler reported that plans for Old Home Days are coming along and that he is working hard to
keep the library’s contributions manageable and appropriate for the event.
7:11 Meeting adjourned.
Minutes by Phoebe Roda
