Board Meeting Minutes July 2023

Royalton Memorial Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Called to order: 6:29 pm 

Present:  Brad Salzmann Town Emergency Management, Steve Hall, Maria Loftus, Bridgett Taylor, Fran Flannery, Dena Wilkie

1. Consent Agenda June 6 and 10 minutes

a. April-May financial reports fran 1 phoebe 2 – 

b. Consent agenda approved

     2. Policies and procedures

a) Staff planning –  

i) Posted on the Herald 

ii) Bridget to post to FPF  and investigate Indeed

(1) Phoebe to email the group with the posting. 

(2) Maria to email Lydia to see if she’s interested in 1 hr weekly for social media (create posts, FPF, ? Herald…)

(3) Xan will cover shifts this summer 

b) Scholarship  – 

i) Fran presented how to incorporate a scholarship using the Friend’s group

ii) The high school has a generic application we can use

iii) We can create our own criteria

Fundraising and community outreach

c) Branch library cleanup

i) Better World Books boxes have come and Phoebe and Pam are beginning to work on cleaning out the Branch. 

ii) Scheduling a work day: not yet, Phoebe and Pam will try it out and then let the board know how we can help. 

d) Cooling station –

i) Brad Salzman presented a proposal to have RML be a cooling station. 

ii) Discussed variables/factors to using RML as a cooling station.

iii) Board agreed that library can be cooling station when open and plan to be figured for when library is closed. 

e) 7/4 rest stop fundraiser

i) Fran is working it…

ii) Dena will post to IG and (Attempt) FB re: donating baked goods.

(1) Tuesday 8 AM for perishable, non-perishable Friday or Tuesday AM

       3. Other business – 

1. a.  Steve presented his idea to create a bookshelf for the back area of the first floor 

a. Motion to accept Steve’s bookshelf- Fran, second Phoebe, all in favor.

2. Cleaning Person – 

a. Need to follow up on bids from cleaning people – Maria will follow up with Pam. 

b. Need to create schedule for board member’s cleaning

3. Budget Line item for Tyler’s Going Away Party

a. Discussed with the board and Phoebe 

i. Tyler’s gift should be pulled from Fundraising money (yardsale)

ii. ? if ice cream can be applied to Summer Program

        Meeting adjourned 7:55 p.m.