Present: Trustees John Dumville, Cynthia Darymple, Phoebe Roda, Bridgett Taylor, Theresa Manning, Louise Clark, Dena Wilkie. Staff Pam Levasseur and Tyler Strong

Construction update: Cynthia and Theresa took the Trustees on a tour of the new space. Cynthia updated the Trustees on lighting/ceiling fan in upstairs space (we’ll be replacing the old fans with one new fans). We will have to book IT technicians to wire the space. Trustees selected Key Communications as the vendor to wire/provide support.

Minutes approved with one correction (spelling).
990 Status: We will have Mandy Giles complete the 990. Theresa suggested that we do a

review/audit when construction is complete.

Old Home Days: Pam would like as many people to walk with the float as possible; meet @ former Journey church at 9:30. We received a donation for youth participants in the 250 Reading Challenge to get photos. John has donated a banner for us to carry at the parade and use at the film screening. Dena and Phoebe will carry the banner.

Parade float has been worked into a summer reading project; Pam is working on a schedule for people to come and work on it. Need colored plastic bags to cut for the float - green would be good. Possibly Astroturf? Pam will keep us updated about materials. The more people who walk the better.

We will close the library to make it easier to staff event/parade.

Trash update: Suggestion is to use a locking shed to make it easier to remove trash and shovel snow. Purchase approved by voice vote.

Furniture and interior design update: Dena, Louise and John are going to serve as the subcommittee. Will work with Jay. Theresa and Cynthia will be mailing information to donors for plaques this week. The committee will need budget, floor plan/space, and what’s being kept.

Branding committee: Chris is refining options for a logo and we are taking a look at the website. Want to make our ‘look’ consistent moving forward.

Communications: Bridgett would like us to take a more thoughtful approach to communication - making sure we keep people in loop but not overwhelming with emails/information. We will ‘think before we email’ and use Phoebe and Tyler as point people over the next month.

Librarian report: New art in library is from Eastern Europe. Tyler will keep it up as long as construction allows. He is working to get more authors in and coordinate with book club.

Story hour: Story time continues; we had a few lockouts due to an injury/absence at Red Door Church but that should be resolved.

D & D group continues, Tyler will do more promotion when students (WRV/VLS) return. Summer crafters continues. Summer reading had a small group for ‘create your own book’ but meant that kids got a lot of time/attention on their stories. Tyler has heard from adults interested in publishing process; Joyce and Tyler working on a fall program for adults. Tyler will be thinking about how to reduce conflicts with schedules next summer (especially as we’ll have morespace).

Possible fall fundraiser with EC Fiber: gaming event? Possibly joint with Women of Action. Tyler and Dena will talk. A lot of planning to do while library under construction.

Tyler brought up policies for us to review. Cynthia suggests going to our former practice of reviewing one per meeting. Phoebe has done some review on meeting room policy and has some good ideas for us to adopt.

Phoebe requested a hard copy calendar - will help trustees see at a glance where people are/where hours are being used.

Bridgett will claim Guidestar page. Financial statement from Pam.

John moved that we name the teen area for David Ainsworth. Motion seconded and passed on voice vote.

Meeting dismissed at 8:12 pm.
