RML Board Meeting 8/9/22

Present: Bridget Taylor, Steve Hall, Phoebe Roda, Dena Wilkie, Tyler Strong
Meeting called to order 6:08 pm
  1. Consent Agenda
    a. June and July minutes – defer to September meeting, did not have
    b. July financial reports – did not have in time. Discussed having reports to the
    Board by the Friday before the meeting.
    c. Director’s Report- approved
  2. Discussed book buying process and possibility of having board members or
    ‘valued member’ of library pre-read books prior to shelving.
  3. Policies and planning-
  4. Strategic planning update
  5. “Homework” for Board members
    a. #1 was Community, with creativity and diversity tied for 2 nd and
    Communication, growth, empowerment, trust and respect coming in at #3.
    b. Other partners to engage – new activities director at HS, new principal, EMS,
    Selectboard, fire department, Brightwood.
    c. Ideas: voting awareness, engagement of teenagers, health education,
    mentorships, intergenerational learning
    a. ? Community survey?
    i. Tyler wants to go out in the community and talk to folks
  6. Budget priorities
  7. Storage
  8. Tyler encouraging board to consider how to support our programming and
    increase staff budget
  9. Fundraising and community outreach
  10. Old Home Days – went well, low stress.
  11. Underpass project- goal met, Tyler to make a congratulations statement in the
    library, motion passed to donate $50 to the Underpass project as we are a partner.
  12. Annual Appeal – Send Tyler any events or special things that jump out for the
    Appeal. The deadline is September 6 th .
  13. Soup Fundraiser – tentatively agreeing to piggy back on the Trunk or Treat which
    would be 10/29 or 10/30…
  14. Other business
  15. Friends group – Dena will email Emily (CC: Fran) and the list of Friends and try
    to restart…
  16. Board Recruitment –
  17. Steve suggests an open meeting for people invited to possibly join Board. –
    Plan for this September 6 th – Board members try to bring a possible board
    member at 6 pm.
  18. Bridget will write up the advertisement for the newspaper/social media

October board meeting will be on Tuesday the 6 th

Motion to adjourn – 7:56 pm.
