Present: Dena, John, Cynthia, Bridgett, Theresa, Phoebe, Tyler, Pam

Meeting called to order at 6:10 am

Minutes of last meeting were approved.

Financials: Pam shared a quote for 990 services for this fiscal year. John motioned to use CopperHill Tax services, Theresa seconded. Motion passed.

Pam shared the monthly statement of accounts.

Budget: Pam circulated a draft. Staff numbers will not change but will need to be coordinated carefully with the new floor plan. We will have a dedicated conversation about budget. Dena will reach out to two-floor libraries and research how they address staffing logistics. Volunteers will need to be discussed as well (as well as volunteer outreach).

WiFi timer: Tyler has set a timer so WiFi will not run overnight.

Floor plan/shelving: Children’s room has added shelving space/more flexibility. Subcommittee will need to meet and discuss furniture soon. Theresa will contact a possible upholsterer for window seats.

Library policies: Cynthia is going to forward the full policy book and we will be looking at policy #2, general operations. The Trustees and Tyler will review these policies and we will discuss #2 as a group at our next meeting. Cynthia will be also sharing job descriptions with Tyler (though we will not be discussing job descriptions next meeting).

Soup and salad fundraiser: Theresa will check with VLS for dates. Bridgett will check WRV school schedule. Would be good to couple it with an event. Local musicians? Children’s book event?

Director delivered his report. Tyler feels he can achieve certification without too much of a toll. Physical calendar is in place.

We will revisit trustee meeting time when we have a dedicated meeting space again. Dena will be leaving the branding subcommittee.
Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm.
