September Meeting minutes

6:09 Bridgett called the meeting to order. 

Present: Bridgett Taylor, Steve Hall, John Dumville, Tyler Strong, Phoebe Roda, John Dumville.

The consent agenda was approved.

(phone) Fran  and Pam

Policy review of sections 5&6. The policies were reviewed and approved.

A meeting was held regarding implementing more regular policy reviews. Bridget will send the whole board notes on the meeting.

Board Training – make sure that some, if not all, the board members are trained on desk and curbside procedures so that we can support the staff when needed.

Old Homes Day – Art bus was great but we didn’t advertise that we were the supporting donors. We need to make sure that we take credit for the work that Tyler put in. Need more thought and planning for events next year, so that we can have more volunteers on hand to help. Book sale needed to be bigger and better. The friends group will be a lot of help for this type of event. We won first place for our float in the parade! Something to consider in the planning for next year: a lot of traffic on Safford Street and we need to make sure there’s space for library activities.

Friends of Library – meeting planned for September 22, at 6 pm. Steve and Tyler are working on how to present the library to the group. Invites were sent out last week. There will be light refreshments and a simple survey/questionnaire to find out about what areas of the library they would be willing to help with.

Dena suggested we settle the date for the soup fundraiser. Pam said the fall festival worked well, no firm date yet, but October 30th most likely. We need to be more proactive about advertising ahead of time. Tyler will let board members know when flyers are available to distribute.

Open house – some event before the annual appeal. Bridgit worries that covid restrictions may limit indoor events by late fall. Lets put it on the calendar for early December but keep in mind that events are subject to change.

John Dumville said we need to find someone to shovel the snow. B says that we are putting out a request for proposals. Also asked if the historical society could use the building for an event in October.

Tyler is monitoring the HVAC system because it was not functioning well last week.

Steve asked to put out flyers for the American Legion.

Rest stop is open for non profit sales again.

Meeting adjourned at 6:53.