RML Board Meeting September 6, 2022

Attending: Bridgett Taylor, Tyler Strong, Dena Wilkie, Steve Hall, Fran Flannery
Call to order: 6:06 pm
  1. Consent Agenda – motion to accept by Steve, 2 nd by Dena, all in favor
    a. July, August minutes
    b. July and August financial reports
    c. Director’s Report
  2. Policies and planning
    a. Strategic planning update –
  3. Update from Tyler: unable to work on it much this month, queried how to keep
    ball rolling without him taking the lead.
  4. Some ideas include meeting for longer as a larger group – doodle poll to be sent
    out by ? Bridgett.
    b. Budget priorities
  5. RML staff needs to have meeting first
  6. Board members have given feedback on budget priorities.
  7. Fundraising and community outreach
    a. Soup fundraiser – Sunday October 30 th
    b. Collaborate on improving pre-order system
    c. Annual Appeal – rough draft sent out to board members – wants feedback by 9/30
    i. Mailing list check
  • need to consolidate 3 lists
  1. Other business
    a. Zoobean website introduction – Tyler let us know about Zoobean software purchased
    and will go live later this month. Board members to trial first.
    i. Online reading challenges you can sign up for – sponsored by the library and challenges
    you can create on your own.
    Friends- Dena has not been able to follow up. Fran said she’d email Emily. Dena will get list of
    Friends to Fran.
    Reminder: next month’s meeting is Thursday 10/6
    Meeting adjourned 6:52 pm
