September 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
September 3rd, 2024
Meeting called to order: 6:34PM
Attending; Lu, Maria, Bridgett, Ed, Fran, Steve, Phoebe, Jessica, and Pam
Royalton Memorial Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Consent Agenda - motion by Ed; all in agreement
Consent Agenda
- August minutes
- August financial report
- August Director’s report
- Review Cleaning Service Quote
- Motion to approve proposal and hire Barri’s Cleaning Service - Bridgett; seconded by Phoebe
- Open meeting law changes -
ii) Open Meeting law policy language update:
iii) I B) The board of trustees will exhibit on the library website audio-only recordings of their monthly board meetings to be maintained in accordance with, but not exceeding, the state law (30 days after the approval of minutes)
iv) Motion to accept the statement and post to the website- Steve; seconded by DenaFundraising and community relations
- Trunk-or-Treat - Awaiting commentary from Royalton Rec. Committee.
- Soup fundraiser
- New fundraiser brainstorming- All to spend time brainstorming something unique and creative for a new fundraiser- book related.
- LIbrary Ambassador
- Library will attempt to sell soup on the park- board will seek soup donations and ingredients - TBD
- Time for Budget! (town selectboard) - Board members to review and prepare for a vote next month.
- Author events- Maria to send Hindu children’s author to Pam. Local authors
- Outdoor space plans?
- Sidewalk plans - Board member to attend Select Board meeting to petition including the library sidewalk in with the town sidewalk maintenance and sidewalk projects.
- Safeline dinners - Lu to get more information.
- ALA Cost - $495 est. for tuition
- Does Royalton Selectboard have an Opiod Backpack Care Kit for Unhoused that we can have to provide for those in need here at the library.
Motion to adjourn: Bridgette, seconded by Steve.
Meeting closed: 7:34PM
Policy review schedule: (Feb: Collection Development; April: Service Policy; June: General Operations; October: Internet Access, Art & Craft Exhibits; Revision of Policies)