Present: Dena Wilkie, Cynthia Dalrymple, Theresa Manning, John Dumville, Bridgett Taylor, Phoebe Roda, Tyler Strong, Pam Levasseur

Meeting called to order at 6:04.

Minutes approved as written.

Financial update: Pam shared statement of accounts. We will make sure Pam has online access to view accounts. Bar Harbor has changed over their system which has resulted in delays.

2020-21 Budget: Due to the town 11/1. John will meet with Rose to discuss possible cooperation/savings with the Town in cleaning the building to reduce costs. Phoebe, John, Tyler and Pam will meet to finalize salaries.

Construction/closing: Staff can use the library while we are closed (week of 10/6) but will need to use caution. Sunday pm D & D can go on and Tyler will move book deposit box for safety.

Handicapped parking will be done by the end of renovation but there may not be a vendor available for sidewalk work until spring. Electronic entrance keypad is not feasible with an automatic door; we will have to choose one or the other. Motion to install automatic door passed by voice vote.

Current completion date is looking like the first week of December.
Logo: Phoebe shared logo concepts with full board and will pass suggestions back to Chris.

Meeting room policy: Phoebe shared draft policy; minor edits suggested. We will need to determine official room capacity and incorporate into policy.

Fundraising: Trustees several fundraising ideas, including running an ad listing furniture needs and prices. The board discussed scheduling another soup & salad fundraiser, potentially paired with ‘author signing’ from the summer program October 26 as tentative date; Bridgett checking w/Bonnie Kenyon, perhaps late afternoon/evening (Sharon does 5-7).

Policies: Trustees reviewed and approved General Policies. Director’s Update: Attached.

Executive Session called at 8:17 to discuss personnel policy. Decision to pay employees during week of library closure passed by voice vote; Phoebe will share with Tyler.

Meeting adjourned at 8:19.
