RML Board Meeting 10/6/2022

Attending: Phoebe Roda, Fran Flannery, Steven Hall, Tyler Strong, Bridgett Taylor, Dena Wilkie

Called to order:  6:01 p.m.

Consent Agenda:

  1. Consent Agenda
  1. September minutes – approved
  2. September financial reports – deferred, did not have for meeting
  3. Director’s Report – approved

  4. Policies and planning
  1. Strategic planning update – VTLIB is hosting a strategic planning meeting 
    1. Tyler plans to attend, various board members may try to attend as well
    2. Ongoing – Steve and Phoebe are working on it and will regroup with board
    3. Bridgett will resend a doodle poll to try and get a time to get focused time to look at strategic planning
  2. Budget update – 
    1. Tyler has been working with Pam to talk about the budget; projecting 3-6% increase in income
    2. Tyler talked about ways to figure out how to increase salary/health benefits, including putting Tyler on the town’s payroll (not an option).
    3. Board is open to pursuing various options to securing health insurance. 
    4. Board agrees that we need to continue to pursue liveable wage for director. Tyler to send out info from VTLIB on how to support director’s wages.
      1. Reviewed use of volunteers
      2. ? need to continue to pursue hiring 3rd staff member
      3. Request for board to be updated with list of each staff members hours and salary.

  3. Fundraising and community outreach-  
  1. Soup fundraiser – Saturday 10/29 – 
    1. 12-4 – 
    2. Get sign on the green
    3. Tyler to speak with his mom re: making the chicken stew
    4. Phoebe and Dena to make Lentil soup 
    5. Gluten free buns – Dena to look into, ? cornbread
    6. Ellen (Phoebe’s mom) will make rolls
    7. Bake sale by donation – Dena, Fran – email Friends re: baking
    8. Order and paid/unpaid system improving.
    9. Crockpots –  Phoebe, Steve, ? Pam, Tyler. 
    10. We need sign up for day – Tyler to send around
    11. Tyler to send out update to board week before

  1. Annual Appeal – 
    1. In progress, close to finished, needs some final edits.
    2. Tyler will print address list- group will meet 10.18 at 6pm for cross reference of address list and sign off.
    3. Goal to printer 10/21
  1. Other business 

Friends group –

Discussed bringing in snacks to library for after school – all agreed. 

Fran and Steve to pick up snack items

Adjourned  at 7:15

Minutes recorded by Dena Wilkie   
