Meeting called to order at 5:13 pm.

Present: Dena Wilkie, Louise Clark, John Dumville, Phoebe Roda, Chris Demers, Bridgett Taylor. Staff: Pam Levasseur, Tyler Strong

Construction update: Things are going well, but logistically we could not remain open (weight load and wiring issues). Dena will contact a local business to discuss the possibility of a library promotion/discount; perhaps a book pickup date.

Communication between board membrs needs to be consistent - who do we tell what, when?

2020 Budget was reviewed. Bridgett moved to accept, Dena seconded, approved by voice vote. We will share with the Town. The Board thanked Pam for her work on the budget.

Librarian’s report: Fall Festival was a success. We gave out seven boxes of children’s books. Bookshelves are coming tomorrow (Weds 11/6) between 8 am - 12 pm. Tyler needs to be at a class for certification that day. We may be able to get a storage trailer from PacVan but will need to get ASAP. Pam will talk with Rose about this possibility and will give us a heads-up when we have an ETA for shelves.

On Friday (and possibly through Saturday) books and furniture will need to be moved.

Tyler will be scheduling the kid’s book event (the books created during the summer reading program) at BALE.

Branding update: Chris has gone through the old site and updated/cleaned up and established a working/preview site. Important to make the site mobile friendly. She is working on signage and print materials. Phoebe and Bridgett will give Chris feedback on the next round of logos.

Furniture: We need to firm down a list of what is needed and ask for our ‘wish list.’ Dena will start assembling a list and will work with Chris about messaging (we will ask for money rather than furniture donations to keep things consistent, etc). Large table needs refinishing (Tyler).

October minutes approved without changes. Meeting adjourned at 6:28 pm.
