December 2, 2020 Board Minutes

Royalton Memorial Library

December 1, 2020

Attending:  Dena Wilkie, Bridgett Taylor, Fran Flannery, Tyler Strong, John Dumville, Phoebe Rhoda, Steve Hall, Pam Levasseur, not attending: Ian Devine

Called to order:  6:10

Consent agenda:  motion made and approved by consensus

Building update:
  • Tyler met with Patrick re: air filters in building
    • Nanoplatform filters put t/o the building
      • Need to be cleaned bi-weekly (remove air filter and vacuum it)
    • Patrick wants to wait to see how these work before pursuing HEPA
    • Patrick will give Tyler a write up on how the nanoplatform filters will influence air quality vs. HEPA filter.
  • Contact Tracing Logs
    • State wants this maintained; do we have concerns re: privacy issues? 
    • Tyler is already maintaining a contact tracing log
  • Role Responsibility and adjustments
    • Chris Demers officially no longer works at the library as of 11/23
    • Pam wants to step back from bookkeeping ideally
    • Lists of responsibilities for Tyler and Pam have been given to Bridgett 
    • Tyler will add the following to his duties:
      • Social media
      • Outside communication
      • Website maintenance
    • Over the next few weeks Bridgett and Phoebe will consult with Pam and Tyler re: what roles they would need/want from a new employee
  • Annual Appeal 
    • 2 options for mailing: 
    • Agreed for $300 option which requires us to sort by mailing address; courier route saturation 
    • Board volunteering to help with stuffing/sorting prn

  • Dragon Fundraiser
    • Name our dragon  (stuffed animal donated by Steve) -Penny a vote for name
    • Steve will place at Rbs, will try Coop 
    • Concern for success with this during COVID – will table for a bit in hopes of doing this when library open
  • Follow up accepting donation of flag pole $ and beanie babies
    • donors ok with a building mounted flag
    • Steve will look into cost for quality flag mount
    • Will accept the beanie babies 
  • Budget
    • Motion to accept the budget: steve, second: Fran
    • Budget accepted
    • Pam to get to town along with library director report
  • Public comment:
    • Pam: discusses sidewalk work that was supposed to be done for part of project but wasn’t, now town has sidewalk study (library included) completed and grant application was approved
    • Suggested that we submit in writing concerns with sidewalks to include ice from where firetrucks wash and water flows down in front of building.
    • Bridgett will reach out to john Dumville to see next steps (ie. Written requests, etc). 

Board meeting ended at 7:06

Executive session started at 7:07  to discuss follow up with Tyler and Pam about library operations and roles.