Board Meeting Minutes for December 2022

Royalton Memorial Library Board Meeting
Attending: Fran Flannery, Steven Hall, Phoebe Roda, Tyler Strong, Dena Wilkie. Late: Bridget
Called to order: 6:33 pm
  1. Consent Agenda – defer until January
    a. November minutes – not received
    a. November financial reports – suggested that the report goes from the middle of
    the month to the middle of the next which should improve timeliness in getting
    report to the board.
    a. Director’s Report – Steve makes motion to accept director’s report, Fran second,
    approved by all present.
  2. Policies and planning
    a. Strategic planning update –
  3. Tyler has put out a rough draft to the subcommittee for a framework for
    strategic planning.
  4. Revisited setting a date for all board members to go and work on it, will
    aim for adding time on to our January meeting.

a. Budget update –
  1. Bar Harbor now charging us for payroll, $20 per payroll, Tyler
    approximates it at $500 annually. He’s meeting with them on Thursday to
    discuss what to do.
  2. Fran requesting email from Tyler with update post meeting.
    a. Policy review – defer to January
  3. #4 Public access to internet, #5 use of facilities, art/craft exhibits, #6
    library policy.
  4. Fundraising and community outreach
    a. Spring fundraiser ideas
  5. Fran will sign us up for the rest stop in May
  6. Discussed doing Yard Sale May 13 (Saturday)
    a. Annual Appeal update –
  7. Mailing list is solidified and printing is in process and they will be mailing
    the appeals. Personalized letters will be sent out by board members to
    folks who have donated before. Anticipate letters will be mailed within the
    next week & ½.

a. Open house – January 14 th – 1pm -3 pm – have music – bake goods. Need to do
a. Promotion of YA space and additional youth outreach
i. Using youth volunteers to help create some youth programming

ii. Likely to be held Tuesdays 4:30-5:30
iii. Scholarship
  1. What do we want our parameters to be and what amount
  2. Tyler suggesting $2-400 and finding community member to match
  3. Board members should write up ideas for parameters of
    scholarship to bring to January meeting.
  4. Other business
  6. Phoebe suggests AD in Herald to recruit board members – Tyler and Bridget to
    get it in place at next Tuesday’s meeting.
  7. Dena passed along community feedback for weekly lego club – 1 st Saturday free
    play, 3 rd Saturday with director’s structure.
  8. Request to Post again about WISE donation
  9. Tyler approached by community member requesting spot to meet for ‘private’
    meeting space for parents with kids with disabilities. Tyler suggests we consider
    edits to our policies to allow for this…
  10. Board members agree to give the ok for a trial basis.
  11. Friends group – Fran to email group, attempt some further meetings and
    recruitment of Friends.
    Meeting adjourned 7:52 pm.
    FYI: Library policy is to be closed New Years’ Day, Dec 24 and Dec 25
