Royalton Memorial Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Present: Bridgette, Steve, Lu, Nando, Fran, Ed, Maria
Via Zoom: Dena, Jessica
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 6:30 PM - called to order 6:32
Consent Agenda - Ed moved to consent, all in agreement.
a) November minutes
b) November financial report
c) November Director’s report
Policies, staffing and procedures
- Strategic Plan
- Open Meeting Law Recording
Fundraising and community relations
- Bingo at Babes Fundraiser Evaluation
ii) Determine estimates on the pots in advance
iii) Arrive at 5:30 or soon after
Other business
a) Sidewalk Plan update
i) Fran confirms that sidewalk is not included in the Town’s budget
b) Outdoor Space update
i) Fran confirms that the shed is included in Town’s budget
c) High Yield Savings update - Ed made motion that an appropriate officer, Treasurer or President of the RML board, will transfer a balance of $40,000 into a 6 month CD - Bridgette seconded and all in agreement.
i) President or Treasure of RML will move forward with transfer for High Yield Savings
d) Letter of Support for Royalton House update
i) Lu will attend the next Coop board meeting in which they will discuss how to support Moon and Stars, December 18th
ii) Lu will begin drafting a poll or survey for the community regarding the needs and desires of the community in relation to Moon and Stars’ initiative. Lu will share this poll / survey with the Coop.
e) Coverage in the Herald - Lu to confirm that Bingo is on their calendar
f) Post a flyer pointing patrons to methods of support for house fire in Tunbridge
Adjourn meeting - motioned by Fran, seconded by Bridgette, all in agreement 7:35
Policy review schedule: (Feb: Collection Development; April: Service Policy; June:
General Operations; November: Internet Access, Art & Craft Exhibits; Revision of Policies)