I. Service Philosophy A. Mission Statement
B. Governance
C. Identification of Users
D. Service Goals
II. General Operation of the Library A. Daily Operations
B. Hours of Operation
C. Community Service
D. Use of Facilities
E. Staff and Volunteers of the Library
F. Patron Responsibilities and Code of Conduct
G. Care of Children
H. Confidentiality
I. Fines and Fees
J. Cell Phones and other noise producing equipment
K. Animals in the Library
L. Books Loan Periods and Access
M. Trustee Responsibilities
N. Personnel
III. Collection Development A. Library Bill of Rights
B. Responsibility for selection
C. Donations
D. Disposal of materials
E. Request for Reconsideration
F. Interlibrary Loans.
G. Memorial gifts
IV. Public Access to the Internet
A. Overview
B. RulesV. Use of Facilities for Art & Craft Exhibits
VI. Review & Revision of Library Policies
Month due for review:
April- I. Service
June- II. General Operation
February- III. Collection Development
October- IV. Public Access to the Internet
October- V. Use of Facilities for Art & Craft Exhibits
October- VI. Revision of Library Policies
The preceding policies of the RML shall be subject to annual review & revision as needed by the library Board of Trustees and the Library Director.
I. Service Philosophy
A. Mission Statement: The mission of the Royalton Memorial Library is to make its resources available and useful to our community and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity that assists patrons in the pursuit of education, information, research, and pleasure.
B. Governance:
The Royalton Memorial Library is a self-governing organization 501 (C)( 3) incorporated under the laws of the State of Vermont and meets the minimum standards for Vermont Public Libraries. The library is governed by a Board of Trustees with funding from the Town of Royalton, private donations, grants and fund raising.
The board of trustees will exhibit on the library website audio-only recordings of their monthly board meetings to be maintained in accordance with, but not exceeding, the state law (30 days after the approval of minutes).
C. Identification of Users: - The library is open to all residents of Royalton regardless of age, religion, race, gender, social, economical or political status, sexual orientation, gender identity, color or disability
- Borrowing privileges are extended to others outside of Royalton at the discretion of the librarian
- The use of the library may be denied for due cause. Such cause may be but not limited to failure to return library materials or to pay penalties, destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons, or any other illegal, disruptive, or objectionable conduct on library premises
D. Service Goals: - To provide materials and information in a variety of formats which entertain, inform and enlighten members of the community
- To provide materials presenting current issues and problems of our times, representing a range of issues, in so far as possible, thus enabling citizens to make informed decisions
- To provide a wide spectrum of ideas, cultures, and philosophies which expose patrons to the larger world community without prejudice
- To provide materials appropriate for all ages and reading levels in support of full literacy and to foster a love of reading
- To protect, maintain, and preserve our community’s history
- To enhance the aesthetic quality of community life, the library will accept selective displays. For further information see page 16, section V. Public Exhibit Regulations
II. General Operation of the Library
A. Daily operations: The trustees hire a library director to carry out policy and the daily operation of the library. The library director is responsible for staffing management and supervision of library activities.
B. Hours of operation: The library is open as many hours as possible at times convenient to the community. [See II. General Operations- N. Personnel– (f.)~Holiday Policy] for holiday closure dates.
C. Community Service:
The library director and the board of trustees shall cooperate with schools, community organizations and other libraries to strengthen the services and resources of the library.
D. Use of Program/Meeting Room The meeting room is available to individuals or groups in the Library service area for participation in activities of an educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable nature. The Library reserves the right to determine if an event meets these criteria.
The Library does not endorse or advocate the viewpoints expressed by the meeting room users.
The room may be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis no more than ninety days in advance, and no more than twice a month.
A completed meeting room application must be submitted to the Library Director for approval before the meeting room can be reserved. Applications are available at the Circulation Desk.
Library programming will have priority in room use. The Library Director shall have the right to cancel or re-schedule dates that conflict with Library-sponsored programs and/or special events.
There will be no charge for use of the meeting room. Donations are gratefully accepted.
Capacity is limited to 20 and events must be free and open to the public and all activities must be concluded by 9 p.m.
Refreshments may be served and shall be provided by the group. Alcohol and nicotine products are prohibited.
The Library cannot assume responsibility for setting up the room. Returning the tables and chairs to their original configuration at the end of the event is the responsibility of the people using the room. It is expected that the room be left in a neat, clean, orderly condition.
The Library is not responsible for any equipment, supplies, materials, clothing, or other items brought to the Library by any group or individual attending a meeting.
The Library Board and staff do not assume any liability for groups or individuals attending a meeting in the Library.
The Library reserves the right to change its policies, procedures, rules, and regulations at any time.
This policy was approved by the Board of Trustees of the Royalton Memorial Library on October 1, 2019.
E. Staff and Volunteers of the Library: The library staff and volunteers are vital to the success of the Royalton Memorial Library. We welcome them and we value their contributions to the community.
(a)~Library Director’s Responsibilities, Obligations to the Staff and Volunteers~
Seek, organize and train viable staff and volunteers.
Provide proper orientation so that staff and volunteers are familiar with what their roles are and with how the library operates. Provide staff and volunteers access to the library policies.
Provide a safe, pleasant working environment where staff and volunteers are treated respectfully.
Honor the staff or volunteer’s job preference whenever possible, keeping in mind that sometimes the completion of one job may take precedence over that of another, and that having a job done correctly is important to ensure that the library serves the community in the best possible way.
Clearly define the job at hand, to sufficiently train the staff and volunteer and to provide adequate tools for getting the job done. Act with professionalism and with courtesy when dealing with any conflict.
Keep the best interests of the library and the community in mind.
Appreciate the efforts of the staff and volunteers and to commend their accomplishments to the trustees and to the community. Be open to suggestion.
(b)~Staff and Volunteers’ Responsibilities, Obligations to the Library Director and the library~
Work according to the policies and principles of the library. Refer all policy questions to the library director and notify the librarian about problems or issues in a timely fashion.
Keep the registration and circulation records of the library confidential, with the understanding that the responsibility for minor’s reading rests with their parents or guardians, whether their parents or guardians are accompanying them to the library or not.
Attend staff and volunteer meetings and participate in performance evaluations.
Notify the librarian if there is a need to change the conditions of his or her work schedule or the need to discontinue working. Accept the supervision of the library director with the understanding that the librarian is in charge of the day-to-day operation of the library.
Utilize the proper chain of command to express dissatisfaction: [Refer to page 11, (p.)~ Grievance Procedure]
Help maintain a pleasant environment in which patrons, staff and volunteers are treated respectfully and cordially.
F. Patron Responsibilities and Code of Conduct: In order to ensure that library patrons and staff’s rights and safety are protected and to safeguard library materials, property and facilities, it is prohibited for any person to engage in behaviors that are disruptive or unsafe. Enforcement is at the discretion of the library staff.
G. Care of Children: The Royalton Memorial Library encourages visits by young children and it is our desire to make these visits both memorable and enjoyable for the child. The library staff is not expected to assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised children in the library. Children will be subject to the Code of Conduct.
H. Confidentiality: The library’s circulation and registration records and any other records identifying the names of library users are strictly confidential. Such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, Federal, or local government except pursuant to such process order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal or administrative discovery procedures of legislative investigative power.
I. Fines and Fees: Fines are not charged for overdue materials. A box on the circulation desk is for optional donations. Borrowers shall be notified by telephone, letter or email, before being billed for unreturned materials. Charges for unreturned or damaged items are based on the cost of a new copy purchased as a replacement.
J. Cell Phones and other noise producing equipment: A notice is posted near the circulation desk requesting that patrons refrain from making or receiving phone calls on their cell phones or use any other noise producing equipment inside the library building. The staff may request the individual turn the device off or go outside of the building.
K. Animals in the Library: Animals are not permitted in the library except under one of the following conditions:
- The animal is trained and used to assist a physically or mentally challenged patron
- The animal is part of a library program that has approval by the director
- Exceptions to this policy may be made by the director
L. Book Loan Periods and Access:
Books, magazines, and videos are loaned for a two and/or three week period. Patrons may request home delivery and pick-up if they are not able to access the library building. Renewals may be made in person, by telephone, on-line or email, if the item is not in demand.
M. Trustee Responsibilities:
The basic responsibilities of the trustees include:
- Creating and reviewing Bylaws
- Setting and reviewing library policies
- Hiring and evaluating the director
- Strategic Planning
- Planning the annual library budget
- Determining the necessity of any new hires
Annual planning should include goals and policy making for library services, collection development guidelines, publicity, community needs, and an evaluation of library performance for the past year.
Strategic Planning: The trustees will plan for growth and improvement of library services facility and assess community needs to determine the library’s role in meeting them. Strategic plans should be reviewed regularly with the director.
The trustees are encouraged to attend conferences and workshops and to attend pertinent town meetings. Trustees should be aware of current library thinking and keep pace with technological advances.
New trustees will receive an orientation packet including bylaws, history, policies, a list of trustees and staff, job descriptions of staff, and other pertinent information.
N. Personnel: (a)~ Management Policy:
1. The Royalton Memorial Library Board of Trustees shall select, appoint, and when necessary for valid reasons, dismiss the director of the library.
2. The RML Trustee Board shall have final approval of wages and benefits of all library staff. All employees are hired on an “at will” basis.
3.The board of trustees shall provide an effective orientation for new directors to assure that the director understands: a) the policies and processes related to the daily operation of the library, b) reporting and budgetary requirements that assure accountability and compliance with the law, c) the expectations of the board in regard to administrative processes and protocol, particularly as they relate to participating in effective and efficient board meetings, and d) rules and requirements for state certification and any assistance which is provided by the library to acquire and maintain appropriate certification.
4. The board of trustees shall conduct annual appraisals of the library director’s performance, at which time personal and management goals can be discussed and negotiated.
(b)~ Administrative Policy:
The person appointed as library director shall be charged with administrative, supervisory and professional work in planning and delivering library services.
1. The library director shall be responsible to the board of trustees in matters pertaining to and concerning the library; be present at monthly board meetings and prepare and present such reports and meeting documents as requested.
2. The director shall keep current in technological computer development as they relate to libraries and be able to integrate them into the operation of the library.
3. Under the direction of the trustee board treasurer, the library director shall assist with financial record keeping as requested. 4. The director shall hold regular meetings with staff and volunteers for training and interpreting board policy. 5. The director will be responsible for preparing annual performance assessments for library staff and volunteers. 6. The director shall have the responsibility for collection development for all materials in the library; this includes selection, ordering, processing, weeding, and inventory of the collections according to the guidelines in the policy. 7. The director will recommend changes in or additions to library policies as needed.
8. The director will perform preparatory work to assist the board with library planning.
9. The director will make sure the general appearance of the library inside and out is clean, pleasant and welcoming and will notify trustees of needed upkeep and repairs in a timely fashion.
The wages for the library director and the pay scale of other RML staff will be determined on an individual basis. Recognition will be given to educational background and past library experience. Consideration will also be given to the local and area wages in libraries of a similar size. Final approval of all staff wages and benefits rests with the Board of Trustees.
(d.)~ Health Insurance Policy:
Contributions to a Health Insurance Policy for the library director may be determined at the time of new hiring.
(e.)~Vacation Policy:
The library director will receive two weeks of annual paid vacation. The board of trustees shall be notified at least two weeks in advance of the director’s vacation dates and notified of the plans for coverage. All employee vacations are limited to two consecutive weeks at any one time unless there is prior approval from the Board of Trustees.
(f.)~ Holiday Policy:
The RML will be closed on the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, President’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after, December 24th and 25th.
(g.)~Sick Leave:
Employee sick time is available based on the state law. See attachment.
(h.)~ Leave of Absence:
Leaves of absence without pay may be granted to library employees for maternity, adoption, illness, travel, or graduate or certification training. All leaves are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the director. A leave for the director must be approved by the library board of trustees.
Requests for leave should be submitted in writing well in advance of the time when the leave is to begin. Written requests should indicate both a beginning and ending date for the leave. Vacation time must be used before an unpaid leave will be approved for reasons other than maternity, adoption, or military training.
When an employee is on unpaid leave he/she is responsible for all health insurance costs and other benefit premiums or deductions that may apply.
In some instances it may be necessary to deny requests for leaves of absence. Leaves are a privilege and can be granted only if the best interests of the library can be maintained.
(i.)~Bereavement Leave:
Library employees are eligible for three (3) days bereavement leave without loss of pay or sick leave credit in the event of the death in the immediate family, defined as spouse, children, brother, sister, or parents of either the employee or the employee’s spouse and grandparents.
(j.)~ Military Leave:
Library employees who are duly enrolled members of the National Guard, State Guard, or any other organized reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be allowed a military leave of absence which has been ordered. The leave, under normal circumstances, will not exceed fourteen (14) days excluding Sundays and legal holidays. A copy of the order requiring attendance at military training sites shall accompany all requests for a military leave.
(k.)~ Jury Duty:
In the event a library employee is called for jury duty, the library will release them and assure no loss of wages. If fees and expenses paid to jurors do not equal or exceed wages normally paid by the library, these fees can be turned in to the library board of trustees and the employee will be paid their wages as usual.
(l.)~ Work Schedule Policy:
Changes in the library director’s schedule or other circumstances shall be made with approval of the board of trustees. Requests for such shall be made in writing. Requests for changes in the work schedule of other staff or volunteers shall be made in writing to the library director.
(m.)~ Meetings, Conventions, and Workshops:
The director, staff and trustees attending continuing education opportunities to aid the library shall be allowed expenses at the discretion of the library board according to the amount appropriated in budget for such. The director, staff and trustees are encouraged to attend and participate in continuing education activities.
(n.)~ Disciplinary Policy:
An employee of the Royalton Memorial Library may be dismissed for any action or behavior that causes the Library’s image or operation to be diminished. This includes but is not limited to: incompetence, misconduct, inattention to assigned duties and unapproved absences.
Normally termination would be a final step which would follow:
1. a substandard performance appraisal,
2. verbal and/or written warnings,
3. suspension, and/or extended probation.
It is important that complete and clear records be maintained of all disciplinary processes for the protection of the employee and the library.
The Library wants each employee to be successful in his/her job and will work with employees to eliminate deficiencies.
While notice of intent to terminate can be expected, the Royalton Memorial Library reserves the right to dismiss an employee without notice in cases involving theft, drug or alcohol abuse, criminal activity, or in instances of significant misconduct.
(o.)~Resignation and Retirement Policy:
A library employee wishing to resign or retire from employment must notify the director or the board of trustees as soon as practicable. The library requests a minimum notice of two weeks. For the library director a notice of at least one month is requested.
The employee must submit a formal, written resignation statement giving the exact date that employment is to be terminated. Between the time of notice and the time when employment ends a final performance appraisal will be conducted.
If the employee is entitled to benefits (such as earned, unused vacation) a lump sum payment can be made to the employee.
(p.)~Grievance Procedure:
It is the intent of the Royalton Memorial Library that every employee shall have the opportunity to express concerns relating to the physical surroundings in which the employee works, procedures and conditions of the specific position, relationships with fellow workers or supervisors, and library rules as they apply to staff. A concern or grievance should follow the proper chain of command:
1. If possible, discuss the problem with the director. In the case of the director having a concern, this should be discussed with the trustee board president.
2. If the library director is part of the problem, the employee’s concern/grievance should be submitted in writing to the president of the board of trustees. The board president will, in turn, present the concern, during closed session, to the full board at the next or a special board meeting. If the board president is part of the problem the library director will submit in writing the concern/grievance to the vice president of the board of trustees who will, in turn, present the concern, during closed session to the full board at the next or a special board meeting.
3. The board of trustee’s representative will respond to the employee within five (5) days of the board meeting determination, solution, or a strategy for how the board will address the issue over time.
(q.)~ Equal Opportunity Employment Policy:
It is the policy of the Royalton Memorial Library to provide an equal employment opportunity for all qualified and qualifiable persons. Equal employment opportunity shall be according to the provisions of State and Federal laws and regulations.
(r.)~ Drug-Free Workplace Policy:
In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited while performing work for the Royalton Memorial Library, whether that work is carried out in the workplace building or not. All employees shall abide, as a condition of employment, by the terms of this notice and shall notify the library director or board of trustees within five (5) days of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace.
Failure to comply with the above requirements shall be grounds for appropriate personnel action against such employee up to and including termination or such employee may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.
(s.)~ Sexual Harassment Policy:
Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Title VII (federal law) and Statute 111.36(b) (state law). Sexual harassment, either verbal or physical, is an unlawful employment practice and will not be tolerated by the Royalton Memorial Library.
The Royalton Memorial Library accepts and adheres to all definitions and procedures outlined in the law as regards sexual harassment. Any employee who engages in sexual harassment will subject themselves to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
(t.)~RML name:
The name of the Royalton Memorial Library may not be used to sponsor or approve of any program, activity, or donation, monetary or otherwise, implied or outright, to another organization without approval of the library director and the board of trustees.
III. Collection Development
A. The Royalton Memorial Library will adhere to the tenets as set forth in the Library Bill of Rights, Minor’s Bill of rights and the Freedom to Read Statement adopted by the American Library Association. (available online.)
B. Responsibility for selection: - The authority for the final choice on book selection and rejection rests with the library director, within the policies framework determined by the board of trustees. In his/her selections, the librarian will utilize professional judgment and expertise, knowledge and understanding of the community’s needs and requests, familiarity with authors and publishers, professional reviewing media, standard book lists and recommendations from professional journals.
- The library welcomes suggestions and requests from its users. All suggestions and requests will receive careful consideration in terms of overall objectives and the existing book collection.
- The library will attempt to include within the collection materials presenting differing points of view on current and historical issues with no exclusion due to the race, nationality, social, political, or religious views of the author. It is understood that the librarian, board of trustees, and the library staff need not endorse every idea or presentation contained in the materials that the library makes available.
C. Donations: The discretion of materials included in the Royalton Memorial Library’s catalog is stewarded by the Library Director who strongly considers the opinions from other library staff members in their decision, as well as considering the input of community members, who are residents of the town or neighboring communities. Ultimately, the decision is vested solely in the Library Director with respect to criteria including, but not limited to: (1) cultural and community demand, importance, and interest, (2) immediacy and accuracy of data based on professional and popular sources, (3) quality, accuracy and permanence of materials, (4) price and space to catalog, (5) breadth and depth of information as related to the collection as a whole, (6) availability in nearby libraries, and (7) the socio-cultural necessity of the book to bring about equity and justice.
It is important to note that all criteria must be considered when determining the place of a book or other material in the library collection, and that no criteria is disregarded in coming to a decision.
If any member of the town or library patronage disagrees with the decision, they may proceed with the actions included in the request for reconsideration policy.
D. Disposal of materials: - The deliberate, measured, regular evaluation of books and materials in relation to the collection as a whole and community at large should be a part of the Library’s normal procedure
- The same criteria used in selecting materials applies to the systematic removal or replacement of outdated, inaccurate, no longer useful, seldom used, or worn items. Each withdrawal or replacement should be judged by standard library tools to determine its retention value as a “classic,” as part of the overall collection, or it’s current usefulness
- The authority for the final withdrawal of materials rests with the director
- Materials no longer useful to the library may be given to other libraries, sold for the benefit of the library or discarded
E. Request for Reconsideration:In the event that a member of the town of Royalton, determined by address or their residing in the town, disagrees with the decision of the Library Director to catalog a particular material, they are encouraged to meet to discuss any grievance with the Director. The director will offer them information regarding the library’s mission statement, Materials Selection Policy, a Request for Reconsideration Form, and the Library Bill of Rights.
If this discussion alone does not resolve the issue, the individual may file an official request for reconsideration form to be addressed by the board of directors not more than two months after the date it successfully completed and returned to the Library Director for collection.
The board, in consultation with the Director, will consider the removal of the title from the collection in regard to the criteria for collection as enumerated in the Donation and Collection Policies, as well as the ALA Library Bill of Rights, the Challenged Materials interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights, published reviews, and staff input. The individual will be notified of the time and location of the board’s meeting to discuss the appeal. The board reserves the right to limit the length of dialogue at said meetings.
The board will then summarize their final decision and reasoning to be sent in a timely manner in the form of a physical or electronic letter to the individual who filed the request for reconsideration.
Any singular title may not be brought before the board of trustees for removal from the collection more than once every two years.
Any book undergoing a request for reconsideration appeal will stay on the shelf and available for public circulation for the duration of the appeal until a final decision which decides to remove it from the collection is made.
Responsibility for the reading choices of children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.
F. Interlibrary Loan:
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service by which users obtain materials from other libraries that are not available in the Royalton Memorial Library’s collection. All interlibrary materials unreturned or damaged are subject to the same rules as outline in section “I. Fines and Fees” located in part “II. General Operation of the Library”. G. Memorial gifts:
Memorial gifts of books or money are accepted with suitable bookplates placed in the book. Specific memorial books can be ordered for the library by request after consultation with the library director. Book selection will be made by the director if no specific book is requested.
IV. Public Access to the Internet:
A. Overview The Royalton Memorial Library supports the Library Bill of Rights adopted by the American Library Association and will not Restrict individuals, regardless of age from having equal access to the Internet. The library assumes no responsibility for supervising users who are minors, but does require parents and guardians of children take responsibility for these children and their use of library computers.
The Library can assume no responsibility for the accuracy or suitability of the information obtained, nor be held responsible for access to it. In recognizing these factors, however, the library does have rules for Internet use and authorizes its librarian and assistants to decide issues regarding computer use.
B. Rules 1. Internet computers will not be used for illegal activity, to gain access to illegal materials or materials that by local standards would be considered obscene.
2. Installation, downloading or modification of software is prohibited.
3. It is the user’s responsibility to respect any federal, state or local law or regulation governing computer operation and Internet access. This includes but is not limited to copyright laws and licensing agreements.
4. Users will not make any attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted files or networks or to damage or modify computer equipment or software.
5. Users will sign up to use computers on a next-available-terminal basis. Terminals will not be reserved.
6. Access sessions will be limited to 30 minutes each unless otherwise authorized by the librarian in charge.
7. Upon completion of a 30 minute session and when asked to do so by the librarian, a user will be required to leave the terminal whether or not his or her computer work is completed.
8. The librarian in charge may establish the number of access sessions available per day per user. Such limitations depend on demand.
9. Users will respect the privacy of others and will refrain from attempting to view or read material being used by others.
10. Any damage to a computer or computer-related materials will be charged at replacement value to the patron responsible for the damage, or to his or her parent or guardian if a minor.
V. Use of Facilities for Art & Craft Exhibits:
Because the Library considers art to enhance the quality of individual life as well as community culture, it will accept art for temporary display in the public area of the library building.
The Library offers exhibit space in which artisans may display their work at their own risk. The Library does not insure articles exhibited and is not responsible for theft or damage at any time to any art displayed at the Library.
The Library does not participate in any sales transactions related to exhibited items. The size of the display and the period of exhibit will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The display must be appropriate for viewing by all ages. Final acceptance of an exhibit rests with the Library Director or the Board of Trustees.
A release form signed by the exhibitor and the Library Director will be kept on file in the Library. It will include a brief description of the exhibit, number of pieces, exhibit dates and contact information of the exhibitor.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to refuse or revoke privileges for exhibitors due to misuse of property or other problems that might arise.
VI. Revision of Library Policies:
- The preceding policies of the RML shall be subject to annual review and revised as needed by the Library Board of Trustees & the Library Director.
- The following months are set for annual review of policies:
I. Service Policy- April
II. General Operation- June
III. Collection Development- February
IV. Public Access to the Internet- October
V. Use of facilities for Art & Craft Exhibits- October
VI. Revision of Library Policies- October
Revised – October 5, 2021
I. Service Philosophy A. Mission Statement
B. Governance
C. Identification of Users
D. Service Goals
II. General Operation of the Library A. Daily Operations
B. Hours of Operation
C. Community Service
D. Use of Facilities
E. Staff and Volunteers of the Library
F. Patron Responsibilities and Code of Conduct
G. Care of Children
H. Confidentiality
I. Fines and Fees
J. Cell Phones and other noise producing equipment
K. Animals in the Library
L. Books Loan Periods and Access
M. Trustee Responsibilities
N. Personnel
III. Collection Development A. Library Bill of Rights
B. Responsibility for selection
C. Donations
D. Disposal of materials
E. Request for Reconsideration
F. Interlibrary Loans.
G. Memorial gifts
IV. Public Access to the Internet
A. Overview
B. RulesV. Use of Facilities for Art & Craft Exhibits
VI. Review & Revision of Library Policies
Month due for review:
April- I. Service
June- II. General Operation
February- III. Collection Development
October- IV. Public Access to the Internet
October- V. Use of Facilities for Art & Craft Exhibits
October- VI. Revision of Library Policies
The preceding policies of the RML shall be subject to annual review & revision as needed by the library Board of Trustees and the Library Director.
I. Service Philosophy
A. Mission Statement: The mission of the Royalton Memorial Library is to make its resources available and useful to our community and to sustain and preserve a universal collection of knowledge and creativity that assists patrons in the pursuit of education, information, research, and pleasure.
B. Governance:
The Royalton Memorial Library is a self-governing organization 501 (C)( 3) incorporated under the laws of the State of Vermont and meets the minimum standards for Vermont Public Libraries. The library is governed by a Board of Trustees with funding from the Town of Royalton, private donations, grants and fund raising.
The board of trustees will exhibit on the library website audio-only recordings of their monthly board meetings to be maintained in accordance with, but not exceeding, the state law (30 days after the approval of minutes).
C. Identification of Users:
- The library is open to all residents of Royalton regardless of age, religion, race, gender, social, economical or political status, sexual orientation, gender identity, color or disability
- Borrowing privileges are extended to others outside of Royalton at the discretion of the librarian
- The use of the library may be denied for due cause. Such cause may be but not limited to failure to return library materials or to pay penalties, destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons, or any other illegal, disruptive, or objectionable conduct on library premises
- To provide materials and information in a variety of formats which entertain, inform and enlighten members of the community
- To provide materials presenting current issues and problems of our times, representing a range of issues, in so far as possible, thus enabling citizens to make informed decisions
- To provide a wide spectrum of ideas, cultures, and philosophies which expose patrons to the larger world community without prejudice
- To provide materials appropriate for all ages and reading levels in support of full literacy and to foster a love of reading
- To protect, maintain, and preserve our community’s history
- To enhance the aesthetic quality of community life, the library will accept selective displays. For further information see page 16, section V. Public Exhibit Regulations
II. General Operation of the Library
A. Daily operations: The trustees hire a library director to carry out policy and the daily operation of the library. The library director is responsible for staffing management and supervision of library activities.
B. Hours of operation: The library is open as many hours as possible at times convenient to the community. [See II. General Operations- N. Personnel– (f.)~Holiday Policy] for holiday closure dates.
C. Community Service: The library director and the board of trustees shall cooperate with schools, community organizations and other libraries to strengthen the services and resources of the library.
D. Use of Program/Meeting Room The meeting room is available to individuals or groups in the Library service area for participation in activities of an educational, cultural, intellectual or charitable nature. The Library reserves the right to determine if an event meets these criteria.
The Library does not endorse or advocate the viewpoints expressed by the meeting room users.
The room may be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis no more than ninety days in advance, and no more than twice a month.
A completed meeting room application must be submitted to the Library Director for approval before the meeting room can be reserved. Applications are available at the Circulation Desk.
Library programming will have priority in room use. The Library Director shall have the right to cancel or re-schedule dates that conflict with Library-sponsored programs and/or special events.
There will be no charge for use of the meeting room. Donations are gratefully accepted.
Capacity is limited to 20 and events must be free and open to the public and all activities must be concluded by 9 p.m.
Refreshments may be served and shall be provided by the group. Alcohol and nicotine products are prohibited.
The Library cannot assume responsibility for setting up the room. Returning the tables and chairs to their original configuration at the end of the event is the responsibility of the people using the room. It is expected that the room be left in a neat, clean, orderly condition.
The Library is not responsible for any equipment, supplies, materials, clothing, or other items brought to the Library by any group or individual attending a meeting.
The Library Board and staff do not assume any liability for groups or individuals attending a meeting in the Library.
The Library reserves the right to change its policies, procedures, rules, and regulations at any time.
This policy was approved by the Board of Trustees of the Royalton Memorial Library on October 1, 2019.
E. Staff and Volunteers of the Library: The library staff and volunteers are vital to the success of the Royalton Memorial Library. We welcome them and we value their contributions to the community.
(a)~Library Director’s Responsibilities, Obligations to the Staff and Volunteers~
Seek, organize and train viable staff and volunteers.
Provide proper orientation so that staff and volunteers are familiar with what their roles are and with how the library operates. Provide staff and volunteers access to the library policies.
Provide a safe, pleasant working environment where staff and volunteers are treated respectfully.
Honor the staff or volunteer’s job preference whenever possible, keeping in mind that sometimes the completion of one job may take precedence over that of another, and that having a job done correctly is important to ensure that the library serves the community in the best possible way.
Clearly define the job at hand, to sufficiently train the staff and volunteer and to provide adequate tools for getting the job done. Act with professionalism and with courtesy when dealing with any conflict.
Keep the best interests of the library and the community in mind.
Appreciate the efforts of the staff and volunteers and to commend their accomplishments to the trustees and to the community. Be open to suggestion.
(b)~Staff and Volunteers’ Responsibilities, Obligations to the Library Director and the library~
Work according to the policies and principles of the library. Refer all policy questions to the library director and notify the librarian about problems or issues in a timely fashion.
Keep the registration and circulation records of the library confidential, with the understanding that the responsibility for minor’s reading rests with their parents or guardians, whether their parents or guardians are accompanying them to the library or not.
Attend staff and volunteer meetings and participate in performance evaluations.
Notify the librarian if there is a need to change the conditions of his or her work schedule or the need to discontinue working. Accept the supervision of the library director with the understanding that the librarian is in charge of the day-to-day operation of the library.
Utilize the proper chain of command to express dissatisfaction: [Refer to page 11, (p.)~ Grievance Procedure]
Help maintain a pleasant environment in which patrons, staff and volunteers are treated respectfully and cordially.
F. Patron Responsibilities and Code of Conduct: In order to ensure that library patrons and staff’s rights and safety are protected and to safeguard library materials, property and facilities, it is prohibited for any person to engage in behaviors that are disruptive or unsafe. Enforcement is at the discretion of the library staff.
G. Care of Children: The Royalton Memorial Library encourages visits by young children and it is our desire to make these visits both memorable and enjoyable for the child. The library staff is not expected to assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised children in the library. Children will be subject to the Code of Conduct.
H. Confidentiality: The library’s circulation and registration records and any other records identifying the names of library users are strictly confidential. Such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, Federal, or local government except pursuant to such process order or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal or administrative discovery procedures of legislative investigative power.
I. Fines and Fees: Fines are not charged for overdue materials. A box on the circulation desk is for optional donations. Borrowers shall be notified by telephone, letter or email, before being billed for unreturned materials. Charges for unreturned or damaged items are based on the cost of a new copy purchased as a replacement.
J. Cell Phones and other noise producing equipment: A notice is posted near the circulation desk requesting that patrons refrain from making or receiving phone calls on their cell phones or use any other noise producing equipment inside the library building. The staff may request the individual turn the device off or go outside of the building.
K. Animals in the Library: Animals are not permitted in the library except under one of the following conditions:
- The animal is trained and used to assist a physically or mentally challenged patron
- The animal is part of a library program that has approval by the director
- Exceptions to this policy may be made by the director
L. Book Loan Periods and Access: Books, magazines, and videos are loaned for a two and/or three week period. Patrons may request home delivery and pick-up if they are not able to access the library building. Renewals may be made in person, by telephone, on-line or email, if the item is not in demand.
M. Trustee Responsibilities:
The basic responsibilities of the trustees include:
- Creating and reviewing Bylaws
- Setting and reviewing library policies
- Hiring and evaluating the director
- Strategic Planning
- Planning the annual library budget
- Determining the necessity of any new hires
Annual planning should include goals and policy making for library services, collection development guidelines, publicity, community needs, and an evaluation of library performance for the past year.
Strategic Planning: The trustees will plan for growth and improvement of library services facility and assess community needs to determine the library’s role in meeting them. Strategic plans should be reviewed regularly with the director.
The trustees are encouraged to attend conferences and workshops and to attend pertinent town meetings. Trustees should be aware of current library thinking and keep pace with technological advances.
New trustees will receive an orientation packet including bylaws, history, policies, a list of trustees and staff, job descriptions of staff, and other pertinent information.
N. Personnel: (a)~ Management Policy:
1. The Royalton Memorial Library Board of Trustees shall select, appoint, and when necessary for valid reasons, dismiss the director of the library.
2. The RML Trustee Board shall have final approval of wages and benefits of all library staff. All employees are hired on an “at will” basis.
3.The board of trustees shall provide an effective orientation for new directors to assure that the director understands: a) the policies and processes related to the daily operation of the library, b) reporting and budgetary requirements that assure accountability and compliance with the law, c) the expectations of the board in regard to administrative processes and protocol, particularly as they relate to participating in effective and efficient board meetings, and d) rules and requirements for state certification and any assistance which is provided by the library to acquire and maintain appropriate certification.
4. The board of trustees shall conduct annual appraisals of the library director’s performance, at which time personal and management goals can be discussed and negotiated.
(b)~ Administrative Policy:
The person appointed as library director shall be charged with administrative, supervisory and professional work in planning and delivering library services.
1. The library director shall be responsible to the board of trustees in matters pertaining to and concerning the library; be present at monthly board meetings and prepare and present such reports and meeting documents as requested.
2. The director shall keep current in technological computer development as they relate to libraries and be able to integrate them into the operation of the library.
3. Under the direction of the trustee board treasurer, the library director shall assist with financial record keeping as requested. 4. The director shall hold regular meetings with staff and volunteers for training and interpreting board policy. 5. The director will be responsible for preparing annual performance assessments for library staff and volunteers. 6. The director shall have the responsibility for collection development for all materials in the library; this includes selection, ordering, processing, weeding, and inventory of the collections according to the guidelines in the policy. 7. The director will recommend changes in or additions to library policies as needed.
8. The director will perform preparatory work to assist the board with library planning.
9. The director will make sure the general appearance of the library inside and out is clean, pleasant and welcoming and will notify trustees of needed upkeep and repairs in a timely fashion.
The wages for the library director and the pay scale of other RML staff will be determined on an individual basis. Recognition will be given to educational background and past library experience. Consideration will also be given to the local and area wages in libraries of a similar size. Final approval of all staff wages and benefits rests with the Board of Trustees.
(d.)~ Health Insurance Policy:
Contributions to a Health Insurance Policy for the library director may be determined at the time of new hiring.
(e.)~Vacation Policy:
The library director will receive two weeks of annual paid vacation. The board of trustees shall be notified at least two weeks in advance of the director’s vacation dates and notified of the plans for coverage. All employee vacations are limited to two consecutive weeks at any one time unless there is prior approval from the Board of Trustees.
(f.)~ Holiday Policy:
The RML will be closed on the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, President’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Friday after, December 24th and 25th.
(g.)~Sick Leave:
Employee sick time is available based on the state law. See attachment.
(h.)~ Leave of Absence:
Leaves of absence without pay may be granted to library employees for maternity, adoption, illness, travel, or graduate or certification training. All leaves are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the director. A leave for the director must be approved by the library board of trustees.
Requests for leave should be submitted in writing well in advance of the time when the leave is to begin. Written requests should indicate both a beginning and ending date for the leave. Vacation time must be used before an unpaid leave will be approved for reasons other than maternity, adoption, or military training.
When an employee is on unpaid leave he/she is responsible for all health insurance costs and other benefit premiums or deductions that may apply.
In some instances it may be necessary to deny requests for leaves of absence. Leaves are a privilege and can be granted only if the best interests of the library can be maintained.
(i.)~Bereavement Leave:
Library employees are eligible for three (3) days bereavement leave without loss of pay or sick leave credit in the event of the death in the immediate family, defined as spouse, children, brother, sister, or parents of either the employee or the employee’s spouse and grandparents.
(j.)~ Military Leave:
Library employees who are duly enrolled members of the National Guard, State Guard, or any other organized reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be allowed a military leave of absence which has been ordered. The leave, under normal circumstances, will not exceed fourteen (14) days excluding Sundays and legal holidays. A copy of the order requiring attendance at military training sites shall accompany all requests for a military leave.
(k.)~ Jury Duty:
In the event a library employee is called for jury duty, the library will release them and assure no loss of wages. If fees and expenses paid to jurors do not equal or exceed wages normally paid by the library, these fees can be turned in to the library board of trustees and the employee will be paid their wages as usual.
(l.)~ Work Schedule Policy:
Changes in the library director’s schedule or other circumstances shall be made with approval of the board of trustees. Requests for such shall be made in writing. Requests for changes in the work schedule of other staff or volunteers shall be made in writing to the library director.
(m.)~ Meetings, Conventions, and Workshops:
The director, staff and trustees attending continuing education opportunities to aid the library shall be allowed expenses at the discretion of the library board according to the amount appropriated in budget for such. The director, staff and trustees are encouraged to attend and participate in continuing education activities.
(n.)~ Disciplinary Policy:
An employee of the Royalton Memorial Library may be dismissed for any action or behavior that causes the Library’s image or operation to be diminished. This includes but is not limited to: incompetence, misconduct, inattention to assigned duties and unapproved absences.
Normally termination would be a final step which would follow:
1. a substandard performance appraisal,
2. verbal and/or written warnings,
3. suspension, and/or extended probation.
It is important that complete and clear records be maintained of all disciplinary processes for the protection of the employee and the library.
The Library wants each employee to be successful in his/her job and will work with employees to eliminate deficiencies.
While notice of intent to terminate can be expected, the Royalton Memorial Library reserves the right to dismiss an employee without notice in cases involving theft, drug or alcohol abuse, criminal activity, or in instances of significant misconduct.
(o.)~Resignation and Retirement Policy:
A library employee wishing to resign or retire from employment must notify the director or the board of trustees as soon as practicable. The library requests a minimum notice of two weeks. For the library director a notice of at least one month is requested.
The employee must submit a formal, written resignation statement giving the exact date that employment is to be terminated. Between the time of notice and the time when employment ends a final performance appraisal will be conducted.
If the employee is entitled to benefits (such as earned, unused vacation) a lump sum payment can be made to the employee.
(p.)~Grievance Procedure:
It is the intent of the Royalton Memorial Library that every employee shall have the opportunity to express concerns relating to the physical surroundings in which the employee works, procedures and conditions of the specific position, relationships with fellow workers or supervisors, and library rules as they apply to staff. A concern or grievance should follow the proper chain of command:
1. If possible, discuss the problem with the director. In the case of the director having a concern, this should be discussed with the trustee board president.
2. If the library director is part of the problem, the employee’s concern/grievance should be submitted in writing to the president of the board of trustees. The board president will, in turn, present the concern, during closed session, to the full board at the next or a special board meeting. If the board president is part of the problem the library director will submit in writing the concern/grievance to the vice president of the board of trustees who will, in turn, present the concern, during closed session to the full board at the next or a special board meeting.
3. The board of trustee’s representative will respond to the employee within five (5) days of the board meeting determination, solution, or a strategy for how the board will address the issue over time.
(q.)~ Equal Opportunity Employment Policy:
It is the policy of the Royalton Memorial Library to provide an equal employment opportunity for all qualified and qualifiable persons. Equal employment opportunity shall be according to the provisions of State and Federal laws and regulations.
(r.)~ Drug-Free Workplace Policy:
In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited while performing work for the Royalton Memorial Library, whether that work is carried out in the workplace building or not. All employees shall abide, as a condition of employment, by the terms of this notice and shall notify the library director or board of trustees within five (5) days of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace.
Failure to comply with the above requirements shall be grounds for appropriate personnel action against such employee up to and including termination or such employee may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program.
(s.)~ Sexual Harassment Policy:
Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Title VII (federal law) and Statute 111.36(b) (state law). Sexual harassment, either verbal or physical, is an unlawful employment practice and will not be tolerated by the Royalton Memorial Library.
The Royalton Memorial Library accepts and adheres to all definitions and procedures outlined in the law as regards sexual harassment. Any employee who engages in sexual harassment will subject themselves to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
(t.)~RML name:
The name of the Royalton Memorial Library may not be used to sponsor or approve of any program, activity, or donation, monetary or otherwise, implied or outright, to another organization without approval of the library director and the board of trustees.
III. Collection Development
A. The Royalton Memorial Library will adhere to the tenets as set forth in the Library Bill of Rights, Minor’s Bill of rights and the Freedom to Read Statement adopted by the American Library Association. (available online.)
B. Responsibility for selection:
- The authority for the final choice on book selection and rejection rests with the library director, within the policies framework determined by the board of trustees. In his/her selections, the librarian will utilize professional judgment and expertise, knowledge and understanding of the community’s needs and requests, familiarity with authors and publishers, professional reviewing media, standard book lists and recommendations from professional journals.
- The library welcomes suggestions and requests from its users. All suggestions and requests will receive careful consideration in terms of overall objectives and the existing book collection.
- The library will attempt to include within the collection materials presenting differing points of view on current and historical issues with no exclusion due to the race, nationality, social, political, or religious views of the author. It is understood that the librarian, board of trustees, and the library staff need not endorse every idea or presentation contained in the materials that the library makes available.
C. Donations: The discretion of materials included in the Royalton Memorial Library’s catalog is stewarded by the Library Director who strongly considers the opinions from other library staff members in their decision, as well as considering the input of community members, who are residents of the town or neighboring communities. Ultimately, the decision is vested solely in the Library Director with respect to criteria including, but not limited to: (1) cultural and community demand, importance, and interest, (2) immediacy and accuracy of data based on professional and popular sources, (3) quality, accuracy and permanence of materials, (4) price and space to catalog, (5) breadth and depth of information as related to the collection as a whole, (6) availability in nearby libraries, and (7) the socio-cultural necessity of the book to bring about equity and justice.
It is important to note that all criteria must be considered when determining the place of a book or other material in the library collection, and that no criteria is disregarded in coming to a decision.
If any member of the town or library patronage disagrees with the decision, they may proceed with the actions included in the request for reconsideration policy.
D. Disposal of materials:
- The deliberate, measured, regular evaluation of books and materials in relation to the collection as a whole and community at large should be a part of the Library’s normal procedure
- The same criteria used in selecting materials applies to the systematic removal or replacement of outdated, inaccurate, no longer useful, seldom used, or worn items. Each withdrawal or replacement should be judged by standard library tools to determine its retention value as a “classic,” as part of the overall collection, or it’s current usefulness
- The authority for the final withdrawal of materials rests with the director
- Materials no longer useful to the library may be given to other libraries, sold for the benefit of the library or discarded
E. Request for Reconsideration:In the event that a member of the town of Royalton, determined by address or their residing in the town, disagrees with the decision of the Library Director to catalog a particular material, they are encouraged to meet to discuss any grievance with the Director. The director will offer them information regarding the library’s mission statement, Materials Selection Policy, a Request for Reconsideration Form, and the Library Bill of Rights.
If this discussion alone does not resolve the issue, the individual may file an official request for reconsideration form to be addressed by the board of directors not more than two months after the date it successfully completed and returned to the Library Director for collection.
The board, in consultation with the Director, will consider the removal of the title from the collection in regard to the criteria for collection as enumerated in the Donation and Collection Policies, as well as the ALA Library Bill of Rights, the Challenged Materials interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights, published reviews, and staff input. The individual will be notified of the time and location of the board’s meeting to discuss the appeal. The board reserves the right to limit the length of dialogue at said meetings.
The board will then summarize their final decision and reasoning to be sent in a timely manner in the form of a physical or electronic letter to the individual who filed the request for reconsideration.
Any singular title may not be brought before the board of trustees for removal from the collection more than once every two years.
Any book undergoing a request for reconsideration appeal will stay on the shelf and available for public circulation for the duration of the appeal until a final decision which decides to remove it from the collection is made.
Responsibility for the reading choices of children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.
F. Interlibrary Loan:
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service by which users obtain materials from other libraries that are not available in the Royalton Memorial Library’s collection. All interlibrary materials unreturned or damaged are subject to the same rules as outline in section “I. Fines and Fees” located in part “II. General Operation of the Library”. G. Memorial gifts:
Memorial gifts of books or money are accepted with suitable bookplates placed in the book. Specific memorial books can be ordered for the library by request after consultation with the library director. Book selection will be made by the director if no specific book is requested.
IV. Public Access to the Internet:
A. Overview The Royalton Memorial Library supports the Library Bill of Rights adopted by the American Library Association and will not Restrict individuals, regardless of age from having equal access to the Internet. The library assumes no responsibility for supervising users who are minors, but does require parents and guardians of children take responsibility for these children and their use of library computers.
The Library can assume no responsibility for the accuracy or suitability of the information obtained, nor be held responsible for access to it. In recognizing these factors, however, the library does have rules for Internet use and authorizes its librarian and assistants to decide issues regarding computer use.
B. Rules 1. Internet computers will not be used for illegal activity, to gain access to illegal materials or materials that by local standards would be considered obscene.
2. Installation, downloading or modification of software is prohibited.
3. It is the user’s responsibility to respect any federal, state or local law or regulation governing computer operation and Internet access. This includes but is not limited to copyright laws and licensing agreements.
4. Users will not make any attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted files or networks or to damage or modify computer equipment or software.
5. Users will sign up to use computers on a next-available-terminal basis. Terminals will not be reserved.
6. Access sessions will be limited to 30 minutes each unless otherwise authorized by the librarian in charge.
7. Upon completion of a 30 minute session and when asked to do so by the librarian, a user will be required to leave the terminal whether or not his or her computer work is completed.
8. The librarian in charge may establish the number of access sessions available per day per user. Such limitations depend on demand.
9. Users will respect the privacy of others and will refrain from attempting to view or read material being used by others.
10. Any damage to a computer or computer-related materials will be charged at replacement value to the patron responsible for the damage, or to his or her parent or guardian if a minor.
V. Use of Facilities for Art & Craft Exhibits:
Because the Library considers art to enhance the quality of individual life as well as community culture, it will accept art for temporary display in the public area of the library building.
The Library offers exhibit space in which artisans may display their work at their own risk. The Library does not insure articles exhibited and is not responsible for theft or damage at any time to any art displayed at the Library.
The Library does not participate in any sales transactions related to exhibited items. The size of the display and the period of exhibit will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The display must be appropriate for viewing by all ages. Final acceptance of an exhibit rests with the Library Director or the Board of Trustees.
A release form signed by the exhibitor and the Library Director will be kept on file in the Library. It will include a brief description of the exhibit, number of pieces, exhibit dates and contact information of the exhibitor.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to refuse or revoke privileges for exhibitors due to misuse of property or other problems that might arise.
VI. Revision of Library Policies:
- The preceding policies of the RML shall be subject to annual review and revised as needed by the Library Board of Trustees & the Library Director.
- The following months are set for annual review of policies:
I. Service Policy- April
II. General Operation- June
III. Collection Development- February
IV. Public Access to the Internet- October
V. Use of facilities for Art & Craft Exhibits- October
VI. Revision of Library Policies- October
Revised – October 5, 2021